TChain::Add() with wildcard and nentries!=kBigNumber?

Dear ROOT experts,

Maybe I’m just missing an implementation detail but why do the underlying calls to TChain::AddFile() in TChain::Add() (when the latter is called with a wildcard pattern) hard-code nentries=kBigNumber instead of using nentries as it was passed to TChain::Add()?

In case this helps, links to the current HTML doc head:

Best regards,

We do that on purpose because it is unlikely that all the Trees in the list of files have the same number of entries.


Yes, that makes sense for the case that nentries>0 (but !=kBigNumber) but what about the case where nentries<=0? The advantage of this option is that one can use it to make sure that all files are accessible and contain a tree with the right name.


yes you are right. I missed this case. Now fixed in the SVN trunk.


Sweet! Thanks René.
