Dear developers
My mac has ROOT6.28/04 via Homebrew. Today, I’d like to ask about the changes of TCanvas specifications. In the old version (ROOT6.26/06), TCanvas without Editor maybe has the dimensions of 600 x 600 if I define TCanvas as
TCanvas* c0 = new TCanvas(“c0”, “c0", 30, 30, 600, 600)
(tcanvas_wo_editor.png). However, currently, the size of Editor is included in TCanvas size when I set
TCanvas* c0 = new TCanvas(“c0”, “c0", 30, 30, 600, 600)
(tcanvas_w_editor.png). It became harder to depict graph with square size. Thus, I’d love to get the old specs, again (in my opinion).
Best, KS.