TCanvas::DrawFrame appears broken

I am not able to draw the frame in divided canvases anymore. I am using ROOT 5.17/05 (trunk@20996, Nov 22 2007, 12:09:55 on macosx). I know that this works with ROOT 5.06.

This error occurs with CINT and also with compiled program.

root [0] TCanvas fCanvas = new TCanvas(“fCanvas”,“title”,500,500);
root [1] Double_t xlow, ylow, xhigh, yhigh;
root [2] Int_t hbins;
root [3] xlow = 1.; ylow = 0.; xhigh = 6.; yhigh = .6; hbins=100;
root [4] fCanvas->Divide(2,2 );
root [5] fCanvas->cd(1)
(class TVirtualPad
root [6] fCanvas->DrawFrame(xlow,ylow,xhigh,yhigh)

*** Break *** illegal instruction
/private/var/automount/Volumes/Xraid1/Users/martin/users/grisep/GrISep/Martin/25847: No
such file or directory.
Attaching to process 25847.
Reading symbols for shared libraries . done
Reading symbols for shared libraries …
… done
0x90029f07 in wait4 ()

========== STACKS OF ALL THREADS ==========

Thread 1 (process 25847 thread 0xd03):
#0 0x90029f07 in wait4 ()
#1 0x9004723b in system ()
#2 0x010bcad4 in TUnixSystem::StackTrace ()
#3 0x010c0f65 in TUnixSystem::DispatchSignals ()
#4 0x010c10b3 in SigHandler ()
#6 0x0204020c in ?? ()
#7 0x04406559 in cxa_atexit_wrapper ()
Previous frame inner to this frame (corrupt stack?)


fCanvas->cd(1); fCanvas->Divide(2,2 ); by

TVirtualPad *pad = fCanvas->cd(1); pad->DrawFrame(xlow,ylow,xhigh,yhigh);
otherwise you try to draw a frame in the parent canvas destroying the sub pads.


Many thanks, Rene!!
