Thanks for the clarification
Hi all,
I’ve now fixed the help output and fixed a bug for multiple file imports.
atlas-dduschin-ROOTTermBrowser-00-01-10.r483.tar.gz (11.9 KB)
Thanks we will decide in the next root meeting if we put it in the standard distribution.
After discussion with the ROOT team it was decided that the implication as you did it can stay as a tar file people can pick from the forum when they need it.
It was also said that the proper implementation in ROOT would be to have a special option in Dump() or Print(). Then, when done, the rootbrowsetty command could be a python script based on this.
ok, but I’m not sure if I understood how the rootbrowsetty should be connected to Dump() or Print(). Can you please clarify that?
that would mean including you code in root. For instance now Print does:
root [1] hpx->Print()
TH1.Print Name = hpx, Entries= 25000, Total sum= 24997
root [2]
We can imagine to have an option to Print showing the tty plot.
ok, that should be possible, however I think the rootbrowsertty is a bit overhead for this. There is also a binary, which is compiled with the package, that directly draws eps file to the terminal window (EpsDrawToTerm). I think this would be an easier solution, to wrap that code into the Print/Dump function.
What do you think?
Ok in that case we can leave it as a tar file here and people who need it can just take it from here. It is easy to install. If later on a large number of people would like to have it distributed with root we can consider including in the distribution.
Ok, will this be advertised somewhere? I mean the usual user will not go through the forum and search for new stuff just in case he might need it at some point.
You out it in the part of the forum where people pout new apps… “My ROOT App”… so that’s public already