TBasket errors when looping over TTree


I have a tree with 3.7M events, with most branches being vectors of floats or ints.

I get thousands of this kind of error at various times with various scripts about 2.2M into the event:

Error in <TBasket::ReadBasketBuffers>: fNbytes = 189808, fKeylen = 82, fObjlen = 209182, noutot = 0, nout=0, nin=189726, nbuf=209182
Error in <TBranchElement::GetBasket>: File: /afs/cern.ch/work/c/cschnaib/public/P5Neutron/ana_p5.root at byte:16857682192, branch:rh_pos_x, entry:2438758, badread=1, nerrors=9, basketnumber=13755
R__unzip: error -5 in inflate (zlib)
Error in <TBasket::ReadBasketBuffers>: fNbytes = 189808, fKeylen = 82, fObjlen = 209182, noutot = 0, nout=0, nin=189726, nbuf=209182
 file probably overwritten: stopping reporting error messages
===>File is more than 2 Gigabytes
R__unzip: error -5 in inflate (zlib)
Error in <TBasket::ReadBasketBuffers>: fNbytes = 189808, fKeylen = 82, fObjlen = 209182, noutot = 0, nout=0, nin=189726, nbuf=209182

It persists even if I parallelize (run over the tree in chunks and hadd together the output).

The tree is not corrupted; I have other scripts that run over the tree just fine. This script is simply making a smaller tree from the existing tree. I also have this problem when making certain histograms.

Any advice? If any additional information is needed, please let me know. Thanks in advance!


This looks weird… Maybe @pcanal has an idea…

Cheers, Bertrand.

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