

         I want to make one change  in the system.rootrc file and want to use this file instead of the default one at /etc/system.rootrc file in the root package.

How I can tell root to look for this new system.rootrc file at a new location??

(Actually i want to do it at my lxplus account at cern where I can not change this file in the default root package installed at afs.)

with best regards,

Copy the system.rootrc to your home directory with the name .rootrc
(actually you can also just include in your .rootrc the default you are changing).


ps i.e cp $ROOTSYS/etc/system.rootrc $HOME/.rootrc


I copy the file to my $HOME directory and added the line:

TFile.Recover: 0

so that if my root file is trunctated one root should not try to recover it.

And then again I run my code over the truncated root file which gives me the following:

%MSG-e Root_Error: PoolSource:source{ctor} TStorageFactoryFile::Init() 03-Dec-2007 11:43:21 CET pre-events
file rfio:///castor/ is truncated at 14760839601 bytes: should be 14780441466, trying to recover

It means that the it is still trying to recover the keys of the root file which should not happen!

This mean that .rootrc in my $HOME directory is not read by root.

I hope I am not missing anything here OR am I?

with best,

You need to use:


I used

TFile.Recover: no

but still it is trying to recover the keys??

%MSG-e Root_Error: PoolSource:source{ctor} TStorageFactoryFile::Init() 03-Dec-2007 12:16:25 CET pre-events
file rfio:///castor/ is truncated at 14760839601 bytes: should be 14780441466, trying to recover
%MSG-w Root_Warning: PoolSource:source{ctor} TStorageFactoryFile::Init() 03-Dec-2007 12:45:38 CET pre-events
successfully recovered 8 keys
%MSG-e Root_Error: PoolSource:source{ctor} TStorageFactoryFile::Init() 03-Dec-2007 12:49:12 CET pre-events
file rfio:///castor/ is truncated at 14760839601 bytes: should be 14780441466, trying to recover

with best regards,


Which version of ROOT are you using? This was introduce only in root 5.17/02.


The root version is 5.14.

with best,