ROOT Version: 6.32.02 Platform: macosxarm64 Compiler: Apple clang version 15.0.0 (clang-1500.3.9.4)
First of all, I want to say I love the Root C++ REPL - even though I’m sure I barely make use of a small fraction of its capabilities!
I was looking at the manual (website followed by /manual/cling - unfortunately as a new user seems I can’t post the link) and noticed the syntax highlighting in the screenshots is a lot more “colorful” than I get when I run it on my system.
On my computer, some types (primitive ones like int, float, or Root’s own) get highlighted, but not anything else.
The code you’re seeing on the website is not a screenshot but just a text box, so its syntax highlighting comes from the website’s stylesheet, not the ROOT prompt itself.
As far as I know the “basic” syntax highlighting you have on your command line is the only one available and I’m not aware of ways to make it more detailed (but I might be wrong: perhaps @Danilo or others can correct me).
We are glad to hear you enjoy Cling and ROOT around it!
Unfortunately I do not think we do not offer full syntax highlighting at the moment. If this is a problem that motivates you, I encourage you to study it and provide a solution: all our code is open source and on GitHub: ROOT · GitHub
I appreciate the effort the community has put into it!
Not sure if implementing syntax highlighting in the repl is currently within my abilities but I guess I might start by studying how ipython and irb (ruby repl) do it.