Support for mysql on windows?


I’ve installed the binary installation of root v.3.10/2 on windows xp, under cygwin. I followed the instructions given here:

When I try to connect to a mysql server, I get the following error:

I suppose the MySQL was not included in the binary release. Can anybody tell me what I need to do to be able to access mySql?

thanks, John Walsh

Hi John,
download the sources for mysql, and build them under cygwin with gcc. I have done it once, and it was really easy. After you’ve successfully configured mysql (see “./configure --help”), built (“make”), and installed (“make install”) it, run root’s “configure win32gcc && make” again, so it picks up your mysql installation.

Hi Axel,

Thanks for your reply. I’ve a couple of questions:

[quote=“Axel”]Hi John,
download the sources for mysql, and build them under cygwin with gcc. I have done it once, and it was really easy. After you’ve successfully configured mysql (see “./configure --help”), built (“make”), and installed (“make install”) it[/quote]

I assume I am to download the mysql source and build it as if I were running on linux? The mysql site’s instructions for building under windows says it’s only possible for VC++ and makes no mention of win32gcc (or cygwin).

This sounds like I’m building root from the source, yes? I currently have a binary installation of root (as I mentioned in my original post). Do you mean I must install from the source (I know you give instructions for this on your web page)?

Also, I have seen posts recently about problems installing root from source under cygwin, i.e. a very recent version of cygwin is needed together with an old version of gcc. Is that still correct? Can you point me to the relevant definitive information on that?

Thanks very much,


Hi John,

mysql: mysql’s configure should set things up properly, so get the sources (e.g. as tar.gz), ./configure && make.

root: you’re right, you’ll have to build root win32gcc from sources. See the thread at on how to get a fixed cygwin system.
Cheers, Axel.