Superimposing more than two TGraphs

I have four TGraphs, and I want to have

  • a common X axis
  • the left Y axis reserved to one TGraph
  • on the right, three different Y axis (with different ranges!) each for one of the three remaining TGraphs

I tried using transparend TPads but I experience problems in the axis labelling. Perhaps I need to use TGaxis, but I do not know actually how could I space the three right Y axis in order to let the labels be readable.

Thank you so much.


The TMultiGraph cannot work: I want to plot on the same graph four plots with different Y axis ranges (actually with different physical values on the Y axis), in order to visually correlate one signal with respect to the others.

[quote=“rene”]The TMultiGraph cannot work: I want to plot on the same graph four plots with different Y axis ranges (actually with different physical values on the Y axis),in order to visually correlate one signal with respect to the others.[/quote]You can always “normilize” you graphs and add the custom TGAxis. This is not a big deal. However, you still need to sort out[quote=“rene”]how could I space the three right Y axis in order to let the labels be readable.[/quote]This is a question of your design. You need to come up with some design idea and then seek an assistance with your idea implementation. Can you draw “by hand” the ideal picture that you would like to produce with ROOT?