Hello Rooters,
I am trying to superimpose two histogram. Following is the part of code.
Double_t error1,error2,error3,error4,error5;
TAxis *axis1 = h3fold->GetXaxis();
int bmin1 = axis1->FindBin(0.3);
int bmax1 = axis1->FindBin(0.5);
double norm3tot = h3fold->IntegralAndError(bmin1,bmax1,error1,"");
TAxis *axis2 = h3->GetXaxis();
int bmin2 = axis2->FindBin(0.3);
int bmax2 = axis2->FindBin(0.5);
double norm3bck = h3->IntegralAndError(bmin2,bmax2,error2,"");
TH1F h3norm= (norm3tot/norm3bck)*(*h3);
TCanvas *caneffiicency3=new TCanvas();
I cannot get display “h3norm” on my computer display.
But I copied and pasted these command in the root command line window. That displays the both plots properly.
I am using root v6-12-04. This doesn’t work even in 6.20 versions too.
What could be the reason, this works in Command line(inside root) but not in running as a code?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Please read tips for efficient and successful posting and posting code
ROOT Version: Not Provided
Platform: Not Provided
Compiler: Not Provided