Sum of 2 different cuts

Hi everyone, I’m currently able to get 2 different plots setting some selections by

Plot 1
TString heneh8substring = TString::Format("Calo_EnDep[%d] >> htemp(10000, 0., 10000.)", h);
t->Draw(heneh8substring, cut && cut3sub && cut4sub && cut5sub && cut6sub && !cut7sub && cut8sub);

Plot 2
TString heneh8substring = TString::Format("Calo_EnDep[%d] >> htemp(10000, 0., 10000.)", h);
t->Draw(heneh8substring, cut && cut3sub && cut4sub && cut5sub && !cut6sub && !cut7sub && cut8sub);

and I get 508 events in the first plot and 279 events in the second one.

Now I must l must plot the sum of both the 2 graphs.

You see…I’m plotting the same culomn, of the TTree that is Calo_EnDep [h], but they have 2 different selection rules!

How can I sum the 2 selection rules?

Thank you

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ROOT Version: 6.20.24
Platform: Windows
Compiler: Not Provided

t->Draw(heneh8substring, cut && cut3sub && cut4sub && cut5sub && !cut7sub && cut8sub);


Oh my god! I was so stupid…I didn’t think just to delete the condition about cut6!
Thank you

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