Sum fit functions in PyROOT


I’m trying to

  • define two TF1 in two different but adjacent ranges (the function is the same, but the parameters will get different values in the two ranges)
  • sum the two TF1s
  • fit a TH1 with the sum function
h = ROOT.TH1F(title1, title2, bins, minb, maxb)
    for i in range(0, len(array)):
ff = ROOT.TF1("ff", "[0]*pow(1 -(1-[2])*(1./(3-[2]))*(x-[3])*(x-[3])*[1], 1./(1-[2]))", 0, 1, 3)
    ff2 = ROOT.TF1("ff2", "[0]*pow(1 -(1-[2])*(1./(3-[2]))*(x-[3])*(x-[3])*[1], 1./(1-[2]))", 1, 2, 3)
    fftotal = ROOT.TF1("fftotal", ff+ff2,0,2,6)

However, it seems that I cannot sum the two functions in this way, since I get an error.

TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'TF1' and 'TF1'

Using the following variation did not work:

    fftotal = ROOT.TF1("fftotal", "ff+ff2",0,2,6)

What is the correct way to do so?

Thank you and kind regards,

@moneta how would you do this in C++? This will give us some hint about how to do it in Python.

Can you try:

    fftotal = ROOT.TF1("fftotal", "ff+ff2",0,2,6)

Note the quotes in “ff+ff2”.

@etejedor @moneta

I tried using the quotes, but unfortunately I still get an error:

input_line_35:2:55: error: use of undeclared identifier 'ff'
Double_t TFormula____id1201809606081465402(){ return {ff}+{ff2} ; }
input_line_36:2:55: error: use of undeclared identifier 'ff'
Double_t TFormula____id1201809606081465402(){ return {ff}+{ff2} ; }
Error in <prepareMethod>: Can't compile function TFormula____id1201809606081465402 prototype with arguments 
Error in <TFormula::InputFormulaIntoCling>: Error compiling formula expression in Cling
Error in <TFormula::ProcessFormula>: "ff" has not been matched in the formula expression
Error in <TFormula::ProcessFormula>: "ff2" has not been matched in the formula expression
Error in <TFormula::ProcessFormula>: Formula "ff+ff2" is invalid !
Error in <Fit>: function fftotal has illegal number of parameters = 0
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 194, in <module>
    h10, fit10, chi10, dof10, prob10, binsize10 = histo_ROOT_Q_gaussfit(tarray10, "time distribution", "t10% distribution", "time(ns)", "Counts", 250, 0, 5, "gauss",mean10a-2*rms10a,mean10a+2*rms10a)
  File "/Users/lorenzodecilladi/allpix-1.6/DATA/ARCADIA10um_pixel/scripts/", line 707, in histo_ROOT_Q_gaussfit
ReferenceError: attempt to access a null-pointer

In C++ it seems to be like this, but this syntax does not seem to work in PyROOT (from ROOT: TF1 Class Reference):

I hope this helps, thanks for your support.



I translated to Python the C++ example you showed and it does seem to work in PyROOT:

import ROOT

fcos = ROOT.TF1("fcos", "[0]*cos(x)", 0., 10.)
fsin = ROOT.TF1("fsin", "[0]*sin(x)", 0., 10.)
fsincos = ROOT.TF1("fsc", "fcos+fsin")

Does this not work with your ROOT installation? What version are you using?

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