Dear root experts,
I am trying to write a code which (i) preserves the structure of an existing tree, and (ii) substitutes the very content of a leaf depending on its content. Namely in (ii), when a variable has the value -999., I want to fill that same leave with the value -10, but also not write again the events with value -999; for those events the value -999., I simply want to replicate the leaf/tree. The closest piece of code I could write to this end is the following.
void branching_rootfile(string data[], string branches[], const char* dir) {
//Selecting specified branches from
int i = 0;
int n_data = array_size(data);
int n_branches = array_size(branches);
for (i = 0; i < n_data; i++){
//Loading root data
string filename = (string(dir) + "tmp_" + (data[i]).c_str());
const char * c1 = filename.c_str();
TFile oldfile(c1, "READ");
TTree* tmp_tree = static_cast <TTree*>(oldfile.Get("bdttree"));
//Muting unselected branches
int j=0;
for(j=0; j<n_branches; j++){
const char * c2 = branches[j].c_str();
tmp_tree->SetBranchStatus(c2, 1);
//Writting new tree in a new root file
string file_out = (string(dir) + data[i]);
const char * c3 = file_out.c_str();
TFile newfile(c3, "RECREATE");
TTree* branched_tree = tmp_tree->CloneTree();
// Making the substitution
const auto nentries = tmp_tree->GetEntries();
float Jet2Pt;
tmp_tree->SetBranchAddress("Jet2Pt", &Jet2Pt);
int iev = 0;
for (iev; iev < nentries; iev++) {
if (Jet2Pt == -999.){
Jet2Pt = -10.;
//Deleting temporary file
I myself realize that when cloning the tree, those events where the Jet2Pt leaf has the value -999. is preserved, thus leading to my problem: a fraction of events are written with Jet2Pt having the value -10., but the original events where it has the value -999. are still there.
Am I by definition limited when using CloneTree() ? If so, what do-you see as alternative ?
Thanks in advance, Pedram.