Streamer for vector<pair<double,double> > in TEfficiency


could anyone shed some light on the following?
I am trying to understand how the TEfficiency streamer works.
dumping its StreamerInfo, I get:

 StreamerInfo for "TEfficiency" version=2 title=""
  BASE                         TNamed           offset=  0 type= 67 size=  0  The basis for a named object (name, title)
  BASE                         TAttLine         offset=  0 type=  0 size=  0  Line attributes
  BASE                         TAttFill         offset=  0 type=  0 size=  0  Fill area attributes
  BASE                         TAttMarker       offset=  0 type=  0 size=  0  Marker attributes
  double                       fBeta_alpha      offset=  0 type=  8 size=  8  global parameter for prior beta distribution (default = 1)
  double                       fBeta_beta       offset=  0 type=  8 size=  8  global parameter for prior beta distribution (default = 1)
  vector<pair<double,double> > fBeta_bin_params offset=  0 type=500 size= 24  parameter for prior beta distribution different bin by bin
  double                       fConfLevel       offset=  0 type=  8 size=  8  confidence level (default = 0.683, 1 sigma)
  TList*                       fFunctions       offset=  0 type= 63 size=  8  ->pointer to list of functions
  TH1*                         fPassedHistogram offset=  0 type= 64 size=  8  histogram for events which passed certain criteria
  TEfficiency::EStatOption     fStatisticOption offset=  0 type=  3 size=  4  defines how the confidence intervals are determined
  TH1*                         fTotalHistogram  offset=  0 type= 64 size=  8  histogram for total number of events
  double                       fWeight          offset=  0 type=  8 size=  8  weight for all events (default = 1)

so far so good: I could decode the base classes and all but my code chokes on the vector<pair<double,double> >.
the on-disk representation, just before the vector<...> bits is: (ie: just after having read the 2 double fBeta_alpha and fBeta_beta)

--- hex --- (pos=148 len=128 end=2820)
00000000  40 00 00 0c 40 09 00 00  00 d7 be d2 00 00 00 00  |@...@...........|
00000010  3f e5 d8 97 a2 41 a3 f5  40 00 00 11 00 05 00 01  |?....A..@.......|
00000020  00 00 00 00 03 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 40 00 05  |.............@..|
00000030  65 ff ff ff ff 54 48 31  44 00 40 00 05 58 00 03  |e....TH1D.@..X..|
00000040  40 00 02 1e 00 08 40 00  00 2e 00 01 00 01 00 00  |@.....@.........|
00000050  00 00 03 00 00 00 0a 65  66 66 5f 70 61 73 73 65  |.......eff_passe|
00000060  64 16 6d 79 20 65 66 66  69 63 69 65 6e 63 79 20  | efficiency |
00000070  28 70 61 73 73 65 64 29  40 00 00 08 00 02 02 5a  |(passed)@......Z|

trying to read the version: u32: 0x4000000c and applying the 0x40000000 byte mask leads to 12 as a byte count, and then extracting the version u16: 0x4009 leads to 16393, except it should be just 9.

why is there what seems to be a 0x4000 mask applied?
under which conditions is it present (or: what does it mean) ?
am I ok to assume I can just:

if ( (v & mask) != 0) {
    v = v & ~mask;

applying this change, breaks a unit test of mine trying to read back maps (with no-split):

 StreamerInfo for "Event" version=1 title=""
  map<int,int>                mi32    offset=  0 type=500 size= 48  
  map<string,int>             msi32   offset=  0 type=500 size= 48  
  map<string,string>          mss     offset=  0 type=500 size= 48  
  map<string,vector<string> > msvs    offset=  0 type=500 size= 48  
  map<string,vector<int> >    msvi32  offset=  0 type=500 size= 48  

any hint? (@pcanal I guess :P)

ah. that 0x4000 is the “streamed-member-wise” mask.
I remember that guy. then the u16 following that mask is the class version (here: 0), followed by a u32 checksum, then the size of the vector<...> (here: 0).

Indeed this:

root [] TBufferFile::kStreamedMemberWise
TBufferFile::kStreamedMemberWise) : (unsigned int) 16384

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