Strange issue while fitting

Hi I am trying to fit

TF1 *func = new TF1("fitf","[3] + [2]*x + [0]/TMath::Sqrt(x + [1])", 50, 1400);
func->SetParNames("a","b","c", "d");

to a set of four (x,y) points
The fit results shows

Minimizer is Minuit / Migrad
Chi2                      =      152.672
NDf                       =            0
Edm                       =  1.27128e-07
NCalls                    =          272
a                         =      -667829   +/-   3978.14     
b                         =      2501.96   +/-   27.8618     
c                         =     -1.19202   +/-   0.0117273   
d                         =      13044.7   +/-   11.1118     

Showing the degrees of freedom to be 0 can someone please help me what I am messing here?
Further, if I change the initial parameters very slightly the fit seems to get upset as evident from

Warning in <Fit>: Abnormal termination of minimization.

         Invalid FitResult  (status = 4 )
Minimizer is Minuit / Migrad
Chi2                      =      154.198
NDf                       =            0
Edm                       =      0.61487
NCalls                    =         1490
p0                        =      -636027   +/-   14397.5     
p1                        =      2435.92   +/-   32.2021     
p2                        =     -1.16013   +/-   0.0250483   
p3                        =      12578.4   +/-   231.218     

Thanks a lot

Edit 1: I guess ndf =0 since the number of data points are equal as fit parameters but is there any way around to fit these points ?


It does not look like a problem of ROOT. Without a reproducer, it’s hard to say what the message is hinting to.


Thanks for your reply
Here is the minimalistic macro to reproduce the issue if it helps.
fit1.C (664 Bytes)


Thanks. Indeed this post seems to have addressed a very similar inquiry: Is fit validity or minimizer status more important? - #2 by moneta


Thanks a lot for sharing the relevant post. I’ll go through it and get back if any queries.