Strange behaviour when loading two class one after the other

Dear ROOTers,

I have the files of the two classes “GenericDAQBoard” and “LHCbM1R1_3GEMChamber” in the same directory:

root [0] .! ls GenericDAQBoard.cxx LHCbM1R1_3GEMChamber.cpp GenericDAQBoard_cxx.d GenericDAQBoard.h LHCbM1R1_3GEMChamber_cpp.d LHCbM1R1_3GEMChamber.h

  1. If I load one of the class:

root [1] .L GenericDAQBoard.cxx+ dlopen error: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory Load Error: Failed to load Dynamic link library /home/supergem/CosmicRays/New/./ *** Interpreter error recovered ***

I have to load the LHCbM1R1_3GEMChamber class to avoid this error, but the two classes have NOTHING in common… no included headers, no member object… nothing

If I remove the *.so and *.d files and recompile them in the opposite order, I get the “opposite dependence”

[quote]root [0] .! ls
GenericDAQBoard.cxx GenericDAQBoard.h LHCbM1R1_3GEMChamber.cpp LHCbM1R1_3GEMChamber.h
root [1] .L GenericDAQBoard.cxx+
Info in : creating shared library /home/supergem/CosmicRays/New/./
root [2] .L LHCbM1R1_3GEMChamber.cpp+
Info in : creating shared library /home/supergem/CosmicRays/New/./
root [3] .q

  •    W E L C O M E  to  R O O T       *
  • Version 4.03/04 12 April 2005 *
    root [0] .L LHCbM1R1_3GEMChamber.cpp+
    dlopen error: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
    Load Error: Failed to load Dynamic link library /home/supergem/CosmicRays/New/./
    *** Interpreter error recovered ***
    root [1] .!ls
    GenericDAQBoard.cxx GenericDAQBoard.h LHCbM1R1_3GEMChamber_cpp.d LHCbM1R1_3GEMChamber.h LHCbM1R1_3GEMChamber.cpp[/quote]

Is it the standard behaviour? (and i never noticed it because i have always loaded classes in the same order…)

  1. Moreover I have noticed that, after every time i delete the *.so and *.d file, the .d file is not always regenerated… I cannot understand why…

I tryed loading two classes in one directory without any problem. I used JetEvent and Quad classes from $ROOTSYS/tutorials (really independent)


The .d files are only generated if the code is compiled. Aka never delete the .d independently of .so.

In order to implement proper dependency loading, a shared library is always (on linux) linked against all the library already loaded.

If you need independent libraries, you need to build them in separate ROOT session.


[quote=“pcanal”]The .d files are only generated if the code is compiled. Aka never delete the .d independently of .so.

In order to implement proper dependency loading, a shared library is always (on linux) linked against all the library already loaded.

If you need independent libraries, you need to build them in separate ROOT session.


So, to avoid any problem, can I build library in separate session as a general rule?
I mean: I use these classes in three unnamed macro. In the first two I use only 1 of them and in the third both of them.
Is it suitable for all these cases?

About the .d files, I always deleted it together with the .so . I noticed that when i recompiled the library again, they are not always regerated together with the .so

[quote]So, to avoid any problem, can I build library in separate session as a general rule?

[quote]Is it suitable for all these cases? [/quote]Yes.

[quote]About the .d files, I always deleted it together with the .so . I noticed that when i recompiled the library again, they are not always regerated together with the .so[/quote]Sorry, I was mistaken. The .d files is generated only if you execute .L macro.C+ and the already exist.
