Storing a histogram after variable rebin

Hi all,

I have a class with a TH1F* member (h_data). At some point in my code I rebin my histogram,


Later in another member function, when I try to access this member it gives me a segmentation violation.

I know that rebin returns a new histogram, but I haven’t managed to copy the object in the already initialised h_data member.

Is this possible? In other words… how can I store the result of a rebin (variable size bins) in an already initialised histogram?

Thanks in advance!


Is “xbins == 0” or not? If it is not, is it “double xbins[(9 + 1)]” (at least)?



I am trying to use variable bins. And yes xbins size is correct. I don’t have any problems with the Rebin function.

It is just that I can not find a way to copy the returned object into h_data.

Cheers, Diego.

You do not “copy” any data. You just set a new value of the pointer.

Right before and then also right after the “Rebin” line, try to add:

if (h_data) h_data->Print("base"); else std::cout << "No h_data!" << std::endl;


This is what I obtain,

TH1.Print Name = mass_jj, Entries= 19948, Total sum= 20158.2
Title = Invariant mass di_jet system
NbinsX= 3000, xmin= 0, xmax=3000

TH1.Print Name = mass_jj, Entries= 19948, Total sum= 20158.2
Title = Invariant mass di_jet system
NbinsX= 9, xmin= 0, xmax=3000

But after the rebin, the problem is that when I try to call

I get a segmentation violation…

In these three places (note: before and after “Rebin” and then before “GetNbinsX”), try to add (compare the returned addresses): std::cout << h_data << std::endl;


I fixed the problem. This histogram was owned by a file that I opened previously to the call of Rebin.

Just calling,

Kept the histogram alive!


Well, yes, if you closed the file then also the rebinned histogram was gone.
After the “Rebin”, you could also simply: h_data->SetDirectory(gROOT); // (gROOT) or (0)

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