Store fitted function without drawing it

Is it possible? I tried with some combination of options for TH1::Fit:

  • “”: fitted function is drawn and stored together with the histogram
  • “N”: fitted function is neither drawn nor stored
  • “N+”: fitted function is neither drawn nor stored

By “stored” I mean that if I open the file containing the histogram and draw the histogram then the fitted function is drawn as well. Is it possible to obtain this behavior without having to draw the function at the moment of fitting it? Thanks.

Try with the “0” fit option and then, before you “store” the histogram, apply the fix given in the: Warning when using the option “0”.

Thanks, “0” (“zero”, not capital “O”) does the job. By the way, no fix is necessary at least for me (Root 6.10.06), and the link to the fix points instead to the reference page.

I spoke too quick. “O” makes the function being drawn as well, so I think I need the fix. Could you please fix the link in your post?

Note: “0” (“zero”, not capital “O”) does the job.
You need to “scroll down” in order to reach the: Warning when using the option “0”.

OK, sorry for the mess. “0” + fix works perfectly.
Thanks a lot.

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