STL map<int, int> - no dictionary for pair?

Hello all,
using ROOT v4.04/02 with the stl vector container required no dictionary generation. Now I tried to use a map<int, int> and got a
"no dictionary for class pair<int, int>" message. The macro I used was

#include <map>            // this sufficed in a similar vector macro
#include <pair>             // probably unnecessary
#include <utility>          // unnecessary as well?
map<int, int> mymap;
map<int, int> *mymappointer;

        TTree *mytree = new TTree();
        mytree->Branch("mymappointer", "map<int, int>", &mymappointer);
        for (int i = 0; i<10; i++)
        mymappointer = &mymap;

Do I have to generate dictionary classes for pair, or did I miss something else? If so, do I have to do that for every possible content of pair (e.g. int, double or int,string or double, object) separately?
Many Thanks,

[quote]Now I tried to use a map<int, int> and got a “no dictionary for class pair<int, int>” message[/quote]Indeed we missed this pair in the list of precompiled dictionaries. This will be fixed shortly.

For the time being Instead of map<int,int> use a map<long,long>


Alternatively you can create a dictionary for any STL entiries using something like the file loader.C:

#include <pair> #ifdef __MAKECINT__ #pragma link C++ class pair<int,int>+; #endif root [] .L loader.C+