STL collection object in TFile not compatible across OSX and Linux

I was trying to store a std::vector<std::array<ULong64_t, 2>> in a TFile and everything works perfectly when I read and write from my mac (I am on Sonoma with a M3 mac). Here an example code:

#include <array>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

#include "TFile.h"

#pragma link C++ class std::vector<std::array<ULong64_t, 2>>+ ;

void writeVector() {
  std::vector < std::array < ULong64_t, 2>> test { { 1ull, 2ull }, { 3ull, 4ull }, { 5ull, 6ull } };
  TFile f("test.root", "RECREATE");
  f.WriteObject(&test, "test");

void readVector() {
  TFile f("test.root");
  auto test = f.Get<std::vector<std::array < ULong64_t, 2> > >("test");

  for (auto &a: *test) {
    std::cout << a[0] << " " << a[1] << std::endl;

If I try to read from a Linux machine (x86-64) the same file I get the following error:

Error in <TBufferFile::ReadVersion>: Could not find the StreamerInfo with a checksum of 0x44178e08 for the class "array<ULong64_t,2>" in test.root.
Error in <TBufferFile::CheckByteCount>: object of class array<ULong64_t,2> read too few bytes: 6 instead of 22
Error in <TBufferFile::ReadVersion>: Could not find the StreamerInfo with a checksum of 0x44178e08 for the class "array<ULong64_t,2>" in test.root.
Error in <TBufferFile::CheckByteCount>: object of class array<ULong64_t,2> read too few bytes: 6 instead of 22
Error in <TBufferFile::ReadVersion>: Could not find the StreamerInfo with a checksum of 0x44178e08 for the class "array<ULong64_t,2>" in test.root.
Error in <TBufferFile::CheckByteCount>: object of class array<ULong64_t,2> read too few bytes: 6 instead of 22

If I try to create the same test.root file on Linux and then read it on the mac, I get the same error.
We tried with a colleague to read the test.root produced on the ARM mac on a Intel mac and it works.
Is there something I am missing to make these objects readable across operating systems?
I am using on both machines ROOT 6.30/01 (with ALICE patches).


adding @pcanal to the loop

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std::vector<std::array < ULong64_t, 2> > is not currently supported. Use:

struct ArrayWrapper   // This could of course be a template
    std::array < ULong64_t, 2>  fArray;

and of course you need to generate a dictionary for both ArrayWrapper and the dictionary.