Std methods for ROOT::VecOps::RVec?

Hi all,

I wonder if it would be easy to implement all std methods to be able to run smoothly with RVec?
I would find it very useful.

What I mean is able to run something like this:

import ROOT

df = ROOT.RDataFrame(1)
df = df.Define("x", "ROOT::VecOps::RVec<double> {-2, -1, -0, 1, 2}")

# get the same as df = df.Define("x2", "x*x")
df = df.Define("x2", "std::pow(x)")

# get the same as df = df.Define("x_abs", "x*(x >0)")
df = df.Define("x_abs", "std::abs(x)")

# well, why not this
df = df.Define("x_sin", "std::sin(x)")

# or this
df = df.Define("x_sqrt", "std::sqrt(x)")

# or even this?
df = df.Define("x_do_smart_math_thing", "std::sqrt(x*x) + 3* std::tan(x)*std::tan(x)")

These all are rather standard mathematical operations as well as +, -, *, /.
Is it possible to implement something like this for RVec as it was done for operator overloading, so user doesn’t create a lambda function for each of these cases?


Isnt that the case already? ROOT: math/vecops/inc/ROOT/RVec.hxx Source File
From here i see many STD_UNARY_FUNCTION declarations…

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Hi @FoxWise ,
for the math functions, just use sqrt(x) instead of std::sqrt(x) and it should work (same for all other functions you mentioned).

For the STL algorithms, x.begin() and x.end() can be passed as usual.


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