Stack error when using RDataFrame

Hi, I found a problem when using RDataFrame:
I made a root file with ttree called “tr”. When I use the python script below, different results in different environment were found.

import ROOT

When I use python on cern(python3.9) or ubuntu 20.04with root6.26.14(python3.11), it works well. But it reports several stack errors on Win10 with root6.26.14_x64(python3.8). According to my testing, this issue seems to particularly occur in variables with underlined names in arrays, such as “E_vis”.

The filepath is CERNBox


Thanks for the report.
I am adding in the loop @bellenot .
Do you see the same problem with ROOT 6.30.06?


There are still some issues with RDataFrame on Windows. Can you provide a reproducer we can run?

I tested on 6.30.06, it did not occur the same issue.:slight_smile:

The script is simply these three lines:

import ROOT

Well, OK, but we cannot run your code without the data file… Anyway, since the problem is not present with 6.30.06 I guess this is good enough

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