Split large root tree file to small root tree files

Dear experts,

I have a root tree file which contain a large number of entries, when I run my analysis code in the file it takes long time and then my job killed by condor.
I would like to split the large root file to smaller root files.

any suggestions?

Thanks in advance.


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ROOT Version: Not Provided
Platform: Not Provided
Compiler: Not Provided

Maybe you could consider another approach.
Many ROOT methods offer two parameters “Long64_t nentries = kMaxEntries” and “Long64_t firstentry = 0”, see e.g.: TTree::Draw
So, maybe you could add such options to your “analysis code” and then you could easily create many jobs with limited “nentries”, each starting at a different “firstentry”.

BTW. I’m not sure I know any easy way to “split” trees but maybe @sbinet has something.


well, groot certainly has all the building blocks to implement a root-split command, but this hasn’t been packaged up yet:

so it shouldn’t be too hard to whip something up.

done: https://godoc.org/go-hep.org/x/hep/groot/cmd/root-split

$> go get go-hep.org/x/hep/groot/cmd/root-split
$> root-split -h
Usage: root-split [options] file.root

 $> root-split -o out.root -n 10 ./testdata/chain.flat.1.root

  -n int
    	number of events to split into (default 100)
  -o string
    	path to output ROOT files (default "out.root")
  -t string
    	input tree name to split (default "tree")
  -v	enable verbose mode


$> root-ls -t ../../testdata/simple.root
=== [../../testdata/simple.root] ===
version: 60600
  TTree   tree      fake data (entries=4)
    one   "one/I"   TBranch
    two   "two/F"   TBranch
    three "three/C" TBranch

$> root-dump ../../testdata/simple.root
>>> file[../../testdata/simple.root]
key[000]: tree;1 "fake data" (TTree)
[000][one]: 1
[000][two]: 1.1
[000][three]: uno
[001][one]: 2
[001][two]: 2.2
[001][three]: dos
[002][one]: 3
[002][two]: 3.3
[002][three]: tres
[003][one]: 4
[003][two]: 4.4
[003][three]: quatro

$> root-split -n 2 -v ../../testdata/simple.root
root-split: splitting [0, 2) into "out-0.root"...
root-split: splitting [0, 2) into "out-0.root"... [ok]
root-split: splitting [2, 4) into "out-1.root"...
root-split: splitting [2, 4) into "out-1.root"... [ok]

$> root-dump out*.root
>>> file[out-0.root]
key[000]: tree;1 "fake data" (TTree)
[000][one]: 1
[000][two]: 1.1
[000][three]: uno
[001][one]: 2
[001][two]: 2.2
[001][three]: dos
>>> file[out-1.root]
key[000]: tree;1 "fake data" (TTree)
[000][one]: 3
[000][two]: 3.3
[000][three]: tres
[001][one]: 4
[001][two]: 4.4
[001][three]: quatro

You can easily download standalone binaries (i.e. you don’t need Go installed on your machine) for selected platform+OS combinations from https://go-hep.org/dist (e.g. choosing the latest version).

Thanks a lot for your help … But could you tell me how can I use “go” in cern lxplus?

sorry, I didn’t notice your reply…

you don’t need Go installed (besides, the Go compiler installed on lxplus is a bit old: 1.8, 3yrs)
just the binary.
(so, you could actually cross-compile it from your linux/windows/macos machine and ship it to lxplus)

here is one I’ve just compiled for you:

  • ~binet/public/root-split-linux-amd64.exe


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