Source of duplicated events in mi Tree

Dear experts,

I have found that the TTree that I create with the following code contains duplicated entries (two rows sharing the same values in every branch). I have checked that the original TTree from which I construct the new one does not contain duplicated entries so I have to find what part of the code is problematic.

Bellow I leave the code that I am using (only the relevant parts). What I do is to open first one of the trees saved in the original root file, define a few columns, then store a snapshot of a root file per each kinematic bin I am interested. Then I do the same with the other tree of the original file. After having store all the snapshots, I trigger them with “Count()” at the end of the script.

I wanted to ask if you see any risky procedure in this code.

import ROOT as R


options = R.RDF.RSnapshotOptions()
options.fLazy = True
options.fMode = "RECREATE"

    print(f"# Processing {Magnet}...                             #")
    histograms[Magnet] , table_dict[Magnet] = {}, {}

    # Read input nTuples
    chain = createTChain( Sample, 'raw', Magnet, Version='v9', FullConeInfo=FullConeInfo, TreeName=f"{onia}Tuple/DecayTree", kinbin=None, Test=Test )
    rdf   = R.RDataFrame( chain )
    if Test and Sample=="RealData" :
        rdf = rdf.Range(10000)

    #########################################              DECAY TREE         ##########################################################
    # - Define new variables; no filters applied
    print(">>> Binning and storing snapshot DecayTree...")

    # --- Output directory and name ntuples
    job = Jobs[Sample][Magnet]
    if FullConeInfo : value = f"{TEST}{nTuplePrefix[Sample]}_pp{Magnet}2016_{Version}_{Selection['out']['tag']}_FullConeInfo_{job}"
    else            : value = f"{TEST}{nTuplePrefix[Sample]}_pp{Magnet}2016_{Version}_{Selection['out']['tag']}_{job}"

    rdf_bin, rdf_snap, nCand, saved_files = {}, {}, {}, {}

    for ybin in _y_kinbin_list :
        yfilter = translateBin(ybin)
        for ptbin in _pt_kinbin_list :
            ptfilter = translateBin(ptbin)
            kinbin = ybin+"_"+ptbin
            newFile = value+"_"+kinbin+".root"
            # Get candidates in actual bin
            rdf_bin[ kinbin ] = rdf.Filter( yfilter+" && "+ptfilter )
            nCand[ kinbin ] = rdf_bin[ kinbin ].Count()
            print("Storing snapshot "+newFile+"...")
            saveCols = [ str(i) for i in rdf_bin[ kinbin ].GetColumnNames() if i not in bad_cols ]
            rdf_snap[ kinbin ] = rdf_bin[ kinbin ].Snapshot( 'JpsiTuple/DecayTree', outputPath+newFile, saveCols, options )

    #########################################           MC DECAY TREE         ##########################################################

    if Sample!="RealData" :
        print("# Processing MCDecayTree                             #")
        chainmc = createTChain( Sample, 'raw', Magnet, Version=Version, FullConeInfo=FullConeInfo, TreeName=f"MC{onia}Tuple/MCDecayTree", kinbin=None, Test=Test )
        mcdt    = R.RDataFrame( chainmc )

        print(">>> Binning and storing snapshot MCDecayTree...")

        mcdt_bin, mcdt_snap, nCandMC = {}, {}, {}

        for ybin in _y_kinbin_list :
            yfilter = translateBin(ybin,rec=False)
            for ptbin in _pt_kinbin_list :
                ptfilter = translateBin(ptbin,rec=False)
                kinbin = ybin+"_"+ptbin
                newFile = value+"_"+kinbin+".root"
                # Get candidates in actual bin
                mcdt_bin[ kinbin ] = mcdt.Filter( yfilter+" && "+ptfilter )
                nCandMC[kinbin] = mcdt_bin[ kinbin ].Count()
                print("Storing snapshot "+newFile+"...")
                options.fMode = "UPDATE"
                saveCols = [ str(i) for i in mcdt_bin[ kinbin ].GetColumnNames() ]
                mcdt_snap[ kinbin ] = mcdt_bin[ kinbin ].Snapshot( 'MCJpsiTuple/MCDecayTree', outputPath+newFile, saveCols, options )
    #########################################              SAVING             ##########################################################
    print("# Triggering Snapshot...                             #")

    for ybin in _y_kinbin_list :        
        for ptbin in _pt_kinbin_list :
            kinbin = ybin+"_"+ptbin
            nCandVal = nCand[kinbin].GetValue()
            if Sample!="RealData" : nCandValMC = nCandMC[kinbin].GetValue()
            if nCandVal > 0 : print(f"nCandidates kinbin {kinbin}: {nCandVal}") # this triggers the snapshot
            else            : print(f"nCandidates kinbin {kinbin}: 0")

            if Sample!="RealData" :
                if nCandValMC > 0 : print(f"nCandidatesMC kinbin {kinbin}: {nCandValMC}") # this triggers the snapshot
                else              : print(f"nCandidatesMC kinbin {kinbin}: 0")


Hello @lidia,

could you provide a running concise script that reproduces this behaviour? It would be easier for us to help you.

In the meanwhile, I also add @vpadulan to the thread.


Dear @lidia ,

Thanks for reaching out to the forum! From a very high-level point of view, I don’t see anything “risky”. Maybe just a relevant comment that Range will not work if you enable implicit MT, but probably you have already found out yourself, and in any case it won’t affect the end result of the Snapshots. Also, the lines that are triggering the computation graphs, hence also the Snapshots, are the lines with the GetValue call, rather than the lines with the print statements.

In the snippet you provide you are creating and storing many more than one TTree, is the problem you report present for all the output TTrees?

Regarding this duplication you mention, if it is indeed for every branch, which two rows are duplicated? The first two, the last two, some other two rows at random?
