Source code of intermediate patch releases?

Hi all,
for compatibility reasons with other libraries in a shared environment I need to install myself a root-v5.28.00c. In the download area of ROOT one can only access the source code of the latest patch v5.28.00-patches, but it turns out that this version already makes some libraries crash, presumably as they were built with the ‘c’ patch. So the question is: is there a way to get the source code of root-v5.28.00c intermediate patch?
To put things precise the shared environment already has the good root installed, but without pythia support, which i need now, and recompiling all libraries depending on it would be way more work than compiling just root.

thank you

Try to download the root_v5.28.00c.source.tar.gz file from the ROOT ftp site.

You should also be able to get this source code using:

svn co v5-28-00c


git clone v5-28-00c
cd v5-28-00c
git checkout -b v5-28-00c v5-28-00c