[Solved] Code slowdown after many iterations, processing TFiles, TTrees, and TH1Ds


Version: ROOT 6.08.00.

I’m running a long loop, where each iteration involves opening three ROOT files, processing a tree within each file, drawing a histogram for each of the three files, scaling them, and adding them together.

My issue is that the time to complete each iteration seems to be increasing gradually as the code runs. I’ve also noticed by running a “top” command in the command line, that the memory being used by the process is increasing over time. I try to make sure that every “new” has a corresponding “delete” so that there aren’t any memory leaks. And I try to make sure that I’m properly closing TFiles, resetting TTrees, and deleting histograms once I’m done with them.

I can’t post the exact code, because it’s just one function embedded inside a larger file, and I’d have to provide data files and things that I can’t give away. But here is a simplified version of what I’m doing, and I’d like to know if there’s an explanation of the code slowdown and memory growth:

    void process_tree(TTree* in, TTree* out)
      // Loop over entries in "in", do some calculations, and write the values to "out".

    void main()
      // Allocate files, trees, and histogram.
      TFile* f1 = new TFile;
      TTree* in1 = new TTree;
      TTree* out1 = new TTree;
      TFile* f2 = new TFile;
      TTree* in2 = new TTree;
      TTree* out2 = new TTree;
      TFile* f3 = new TFile;
      TTree* in3 = new TTree;
      TTree* out3 = new TTree;
      TH1D* hTemp = new TH1D;

      int count = 0;


        f1 = TFile::Open(Form("some_file1_%i.root", count));
        in1 = (TTree*)f1->Get("t");
        process_tree(in1, out1);

        f2 = TFile::Open(Form("some_file2_%i.root", count));
        in2 = (TTree*)f2->Get("t");
        process_tree(in2, out2);

        f3 = TFile::Open(Form("some_file3_%i.root", count));
        in3 = (TTree*)f3->Get("t");
        process_tree(in3, out3);

        out1->Draw(Form("x>>hist1_%i", count), "", "goff");
        out2->Draw(Form("x>>hist2_%i", count), "", "goff");
        out3->Draw(Form("x>>hist3_%i", count), "", "goff");

        gROOT->ProcessLine(Form("hist1_%i->Add(hist2_%i);", count, count));
        gROOT->ProcessLine(Form("hist1_%i->Add(hist3_%i);", count, count));
        hTemp = (TH1D*)gDirectory->Get(Form("hist1_%i", count));

        // Do a calculation.



So the main things I’ve tried to do to minimize wasted memory is to reuse TFiles, TTrees, and TH1Ds rather than creating new ones for every iteration. I try to reset my TTrees, and delete the intermediate histograms. I don’t “delete” the few things I “new” in main(), but main() only gets executed once, so I’m not worried about that. I’m mostly worried about what happens inside the “while” loop, which may iterate ~100000 times or so, in the worst case.

Is there anything I’m missing? Why is this code using up more and more memory as time goes on? And could this be related to the slowdown I’m observing?


Edit: Solved. Here is the working code.

    void process_tree(TTree* in, TTree* out)
      // Loop over entries in "in", do some calculations, and write the values to "out".

    void main()
      // Declare files, trees, and histogram.
      TFile* f1 = nullptr;
      TTree* in1 = nullptr;
      TTree* out1 = nullptr;
      TFile* f2 = nullptr;
      TTree* in2 = nullptr;
      TTree* out2 = nullptr;
      TFile* f3 = nullptr;
      TTree* in3 = nullptr;
      TTree* out3 = nullptr;
      TH1D* hTemp = nullptr;

      int count = 0;


        f1 = new TFile;
        in1 = new TTree;
        out1 = new TTree;
        f2 = new TFile;
        in2 = new TTree;
        out2 = new TTree;
        f3 = new TFile;
        in3 = new TTree;
        out3 = new TTree;
        hTemp = new TH1D;

        f1 = TFile::Open(Form("some_file1_%i.root", count));
        in1 = (TTree*)f1->Get("t");
        process_tree(in1, out1);

        f2 = TFile::Open(Form("some_file2_%i.root", count));
        in2 = (TTree*)f2->Get("t");
        process_tree(in2, out2);

        f3 = TFile::Open(Form("some_file3_%i.root", count));
        in3 = (TTree*)f3->Get("t");
        process_tree(in3, out3);

        out1->Draw(Form("x>>hist1_%i", count), "", "goff");
        out2->Draw(Form("x>>hist2_%i", count), "", "goff");
        out3->Draw(Form("x>>hist3_%i", count), "", "goff");

        gROOT->ProcessLine(Form("hist1_%i->Add(hist2_%i);", count, count));
        gROOT->ProcessLine(Form("hist1_%i->Add(hist3_%i);", count, count));
        hTemp = (TH1D*)gDirectory->Get(Form("hist1_%i", count));

        // Do a calculation.

        delete hTemp;
        delete in1;
        delete out1;
        delete f1;
        delete in2;
        delete out2;
        delete f2;
        delete in3;
        delete out3;
        delete f3;

1 Like
      TFile* f1 = new TFile;
      TTree* in1 = new TTree;
      TTree* out1 = new TTree;
      TFile* f2 = new TFile;
      TTree* in2 = new TTree;
      TTree* out2 = new TTree;
      TFile* f3 = new TFile;
      TTree* in3 = new TTree;
      TTree* out3 = new TTree;
      TH1D* hTemp = new TH1D;

those all leaked … given your code use

      TFile* f1 = nullptr;
      TTree* in1 = nullptr;
      TTree* out1 = nullptr;
      TFile* f2 = nullptr;
      TTree* in2 = nullptr;
      TTree* out2 = nullptr;
      TFile* f3 = nullptr;
      TTree* in3 = nullptr;
      TTree* out3 = nullptr;
      TH1D* hTemp = nullptr;

This leaks the TFile objects. Use

   delete f1;
   delete f2;
   delete f3;
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It is not clear what is the creation and deletion pattern for out1, out2 and out3.


I have the same issue. I have the following function (see below) that is called for each event that is read, but the memory leak is still present. In particular it seems it is the line

InputFile = TFile::Open("S0classes.root");

that creates the memory increase, but I dont understand why.

Thanks for your help!

Double_t S0percentile(Int_t nCharged, Double_t S0)

  TFile* InputFile = nullptr;
  TH1D* h = nullptr;

  InputFile = TFile::Open("S0classes.root");
  h = (TH1D *)InputFile->Get(Form("hProjYMult%dnew",nCharged));
  Int_t S0bin = h->GetXaxis()->FindBin(S0);
  Double_t S0percent = h->GetBinContent(S0bin);
  delete h;
  delete InputFile;
  return S0percent;

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Maybe try this?

Double_t S0percentile(Int_t nCharged, Double_t S0)

  TFile* InputFile = new TFile;
  TH1D* h = new TH1D;

  InputFile = TFile::Open("S0classes.root");
  h = (TH1D *)InputFile->Get(Form("hProjYMult%dnew",nCharged));
  Int_t S0bin = h->GetXaxis()->FindBin(S0);
  Double_t S0percent = h->GetBinContent(S0bin);
  delete h;
  delete InputFile;
  return S0percent;

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You introduce leaks in lines “TFile* InputFile = new TFile;” and “TH1D* h = new TH1D;”.

Oops, I think you’re right. It just seems weird to have a “delete” without a preceding “new”.

I don’t see why Lizardo’s original code would cause a leak. Any ideas?

@lizardo.valencia It is usually better to avoid duplicating post, let keep the discussion at your original post Delete TH1 and TFile: memory consumption increases

@dvotaw Is your original problem resolved?

Yes, it’s solved now. Thanks.