.so files already loaded?

Hi, I am using a latest ROOT version from MacPorts, and I have strange warnings when trying basic stuff:

[quote]jfcaron@191-s86-v14-wlan:~$ ipython
Python 2.7.3 (default, Apr 19 2012, 13:37:06)
Type “copyright”, “credits” or “license” for more information.

IPython 0.13 – An enhanced Interactive Python.
? -> Introduction and overview of IPython’s features.
%quickref -> Quick reference.
help -> Python’s own help system.
object? -> Details about ‘object’, use ‘object??’ for extra details.

In [1]: import ROOT

In [2]: h = ROOT.TH1F(‘h’,‘h’,10,0,10)
Note: (file “”, line 0) File “/opt/local/lib/root/libMathCore.so” already loaded
Note: (file “”, line 0) File “/opt/local/lib/root/libMathCore.so” already loaded
Note: (file “”, line 0) File “/opt/local/lib/root/libMathCore.so” already loaded

In [3]: h.Fill(5)
Out[3]: 6

In [4]: h.Draw()
Note: (file “(tmpfile)”, line 1) File “/opt/local/lib/root/libMathCore.so” already loaded
Note: (file “(tmpfile)”, line 1) File “/opt/local/lib/root/libRIO.so” already loaded
Note: (file “(tmpfile)”, line 1) File “/opt/local/lib/root/libMathCore.so” already loaded
Note: (file “(tmpfile)”, line 1) File “/opt/local/lib/root/libMathCore.so” already loaded
Note: (file “(tmpfile)”, line 1) File “/opt/local/lib/root/libMathCore.so” already loaded
Note: (file “(tmpfile)”, line 1) File “/opt/local/lib/root/libRIO.so” already loaded
Note: (file “(tmpfile)”, line 1) File “/opt/local/lib/root/libMathCore.so” already loaded
Note: (file “(tmpfile)”, line 1) File “/opt/local/lib/root/libRIO.so” already loaded
Info in TCanvas::MakeDefCanvas: created default TCanvas with name c1[/quote]

Any idea what is causing all these “Notes” to be printed. The windows and objects otherwise behave as expected.



the messages come from CINT. Basically, there is a request, from where is not clear to me, that causes CINT to be asked twice to load the same library. Do you see the same behavior from root.exe?

(And yes, they’re harmless.)


I do not get the same messages from root.exe.

The problem looks similar to Problem using ROOT on Snow Leopard: library already loaded but there it happens in CINT directly and it is claimed that it was fixed.

I’ve got ROOT 5.34.01_1+fftw3+gcc45+graphviz+gsl+minuit2+opengl+python27+roofit+soversion+ssl+tmva+xml from MacPorts. Python 2.7.3 and all dependencies also from MacPorts. XQuartz 2.7.3, XCode 4.4.1, Mac OS 10.7.4.

My environment variables:
ROOTSYS: /opt/local
LD_LIBRARY_PATH: /opt/local/lib/root
PYTHONPATH: /opt/local/lib/root::/Users/jfcaron/Macros
DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH: /opt/local/lib/root

My .rootrc file is attached in case it matters.

Even if the Info messages are harmless, I would like to stop them from clogging up my terminal window and log files.
myrootrc.txt (2.15 KB)


perhaps superfluous, but did you run the same example as in the referenced topic? It does seem that the MacPorts build had --enable-soversion for its configure.

I don’t have access to a Mac with MacrPorts (that I dare to update) at the moment. :confused:

The “Note” messages are sent directly to stdout, so there’s no easy way to filter them (other than installing a custom error message callback into cint).

There’s a “G__dispmsg” variable in CINT that controls output such as Note’s. I don’t see how it can be set, however (other than brute force, by declaring it extern and linking it in): it appears to be controllable only from the CINT command line?


I uninstalled and reinstalled with the -soversion variant in MacPorts, which does --disable-soversion. Now it works without all the Note: messages.

I guess the message from that link in 2009 that the problem was fixed was not referring to Mac OS? I might recommend to the root port maintainer to make -soversion the default variant, rather than +soversion.

Thanks for the help.


okay. It’d be interesting to know what the benefit of --enable-soversion is in the first place. I pinged Philippe for help.


Just to confirm, I see the exact same behaviour as Jean-Francois.
I did mention it to the macports ROOT maintainer, here’s his reply:


The problem should be fixed in the trunk and the v5.34 patch branch.


The problem is fixed for me in those branches.
The problem is also fixed for Macports users, I don’t see it with the current Macports install of v5.34.02.
This is a bit strange, because if I build v5.34.02 myself the problem is still there … probably different configure options.
Anyways, thanks for the quick fix!

Hi, this has been fixed in the trunk and the v5-34-00-patches and will appear next week in v5-34-03.

Cheers, Fons.