# My personal ROOT config. # According to the docs, any settings here simply override the # settings already set in $ROOTSYS/etc/system.rootrc # and are themselves overriden by a .rootrc file in the current # working directory. # ROOT Environment settings are handled via the class TEnv. To see # which values are active do: gEnv->Print(). # Path used to find macros. # Paths are different for Unix and Windows. The example shows the defaults # for all ROOT applications for either Unix or Windows. Unix.*.Root.MacroPath: .:$(HOME)/Macros:/opt/local/etc/root/plugins: WinNT.*.Root.MacroPath: .;$(HOME)/macros; # Use thread library (if exists). Unix.*.Root.UseThreads: true # Ignore errors lower than the ignore level. Possible values: # Print, Info, Warning, Error, Break, SysError and Fatal. Root.ErrorIgnoreLevel: Print # Default editor. Unix.*.Editor: emacs WinNT.*.Editor: notepad # Default 3d Viewer. # By default 3-D views are shown in the pad, # if the next line is activated, the default viewer will be OpenGL. Viewer3D.DefaultDrawOption: ogl # Set the default TStyle # Predefined styles are: Plain, Bold, Video, Pub, Classic, Modern. Canvas.Style: Plain # Type of Browser: TRootBrowser or TRootBrowserLite Browser.Name: TRootBrowserLite # Browser Options (plugins) # F: File browser E: Text Editor H: HTML browser # C: Canvas I: I/O redirection P: Proof G: GL viewer Browser.Options: FCEI # Can be either small, big, list, details Browser.IconStyle: list # Can be either name, type, size, date Browser.SortBy: name Browser.GroupView: 10000 Browser.ShowHidden: no Browser.AutoThumbnail: yes # Start URL for the TRootBrowser embedded HTML renderer Browser.StartUrl: http://root.cern.ch/root/html/ClassIndex.html # Rint (interactive ROOT executable) specific alias, logon and logoff macros. Rint.Load: $(HOME)/Macros/rootalias.C Rint.Logon: $(HOME)/Macros/rootlogon.C Rint.Logoff: $(HOME)/Macros/rootlogoff.C # Print a single line welcome message instead of the default verbose version Rint.WelcomeLite: yes