I am trying to browse and visualize a geometry file (to save some pictures from it at specific positions), but it is extremely slow.
I tried it on different computers (even on a powerful gaming computer), but it is really low at the point of making no sense even try to rotate the visualized geometry.
How can I solve this??
This is my workflow.
>root my_geo_file.root
root [0] TBrowser xx
Then I look for the master volume:
Right-click → Draw
as for the drawing option, I use “ogl”.
I really appreciate any help, as I am a newbie with ROOT geometry work.
Using the TBrowser, it just returns some message about “rendering timeout” anytime I try to rotate the geometry.
Web-based, it is loaded instantly, and everything goes smoothly.
The functions I was looking for are the ones to select view XOY etc, in the different perspectives projections.
Yes, I have some macros, but I do not think they would be useful cause it calls several other macros, and they just read several .root files too large to share.
I will ask the colleagues in charge of those to see what I can get. All of it belongs to the CBMROOT project.
Hi @Dario_Ramirez, this geometry crashes when it gets deleted because some TGeoShapeAssembly objects end up in the list of shapes (this should not happen) and get double deleted. Are you aware of how this geometry is created, do you use the assembly volumes in a particular way, like adding them manually to the list of shapes held by TGeoManager?
Thanks for the answer.
No, I know little about how these geometry files are created. I am just a user. I am trying to contact the responsible people to get a better insight into everything.