I think update SLitrani to the current version of ROOT would be a vast advantage since this program is the only one which can handle birefringent materials like PWO which also the CERN uses for its crystals. But for the present it is not possible. Geant does not support birefringent materials and SLitrani is not up to date.
Since SLitrani is a very nice set of optical equations and also build upon ROOT it would be the best to bring it up to the current version of ROOT.
It would be very helpful.
I think I am missing what are the problematic aspects related to the upgrade of ROOT.
I don’t know. As mentioned the development of SLitrani stopped some years ago and is, even with some effort, only to be able to run under root v.34 (which is also difficult to set up now/it is what I’m now trying to do).
https://crystalclear.web.cern.ch/crystalclear/SLitraniX/SLitrani/index.html is hosted by CERN
I tried to make it run under root v6 but after two days I stopped though I managed to solve several complications, bindings, changes and so on. But as I do not know how much time it will take I stopped. Hence I’m not the best programmer so additionally I didn’t know if I can handle all the upcoming issues. And now I’m trying to run it with an old root version. But this is also difficult…
The long and the short of it: As PWO is an often used material for crystals and the light ray is needed for research issues and there is already a nice program for it but not up to date it would be glad if someone could take up on this.
I can sum up all errors and solutions I discovered so far to bring it up to the current version but I guess a person who can fix this in general won’t need my pre-work?
Kind regards
on this forum you will find prompt support on all the concrete issues you still have to face once they have been properly formulated and, where needed, supported with reproducers.
I’m not sure if I understand you correctly. I thought here I can suggest changes, add-ons and so on related to ROOT?
Kind regards
This whole SLitrani business starts to be annoying.
Here’s a set of “fixes” which will allow you to build the current SLitrani version on Linux with ROOT 5.x: SLitrani_1_4.Linux_Fixes_2017_06_14.tar.gz (57.8 KB)
Simply download and unpack the original SLitrani_1_4.tar.gz file and then unpack the above “fixes” (no need to modify anything in them).
Note: you will need to go through all the warnings that appear during the compilation yourself.
BTW. Do remember to download from git and build the newest “head of the v5-34-00-patches branch” (the “v5-34-36” release is really old / outdated).
you can propose an add-on, sure. I am not sure that SLitrani can be classified as a root add-on. To me it looks like a package building on top of ROOT. Now, if there is any issue linked with ROOT feel free to share it on the forum: you will receive support.
Thanks a lot!
which version of root exactly I do have to download? I’m confused with v5-34-00 and the comment, that v5-34-36 is old (isn’t it newer than v5-34-00?).
woudln’t it be valuable to add this in common ROOT?
Or to treat it like Geant?
Kind regards
Got it fixed. I set the ROOTDEV variable wrongly. Sorry.
sorry, I guess I need a little help…
Installation worked properly but when I want ro run a macro I receive some errors:
user@User-PC:~/rootdev/macros$ root -l
root [0] .x SLitBeam01.C
size : 5
name : SLitBeam01
listing : SLitBeam01
upcom : Beam of muons, crystal and APD
downcom : Simple example with beam issued from an ellipse
otherseq : 0
indebug : 1
WithDate : 0
dlopen error: /home/user/rootdev/lib/libTwoPad.so: undefined symbol: _ZNK8TGWindow7GetNameEv
Load Error: Failed to load Dynamic link library /home/user/rootdev/lib/libTwoPad.so
Error: Symbol kload1 is not defined in current scope InitSLitrani.C:43:
*** Interpreter error recovered ***
Info in TGeoManager::TGeoManager: Geometry setup, SLitBeam01 of new Litrani created
Error: Symbol TLitMedium is not defined in current scope SLitBeam01.C:117:
Error: Symbol TLitMedium is not defined in current scope SLitBeam01.C:117:
Error: type TLitMedium not defined FILE:/home/user/rootdev/macros/./SLitBeam01.C LINE:117
Warning: Automatic variable TLitMediumpbwo4 is allocated SLitBeam01.C:117:
Error: Undeclared variable TLitMediumpbwo4 SLitBeam01.C:117:
*** Interpreter error recovered ***
slitrani [1]
Do you know why this occurs?
I improved my file with “fixes” (I additionally fixed some problems in the “SLitrani/SMacros” subdirectory). See my first post above.
Note that you may need to copy “SpectraDB.rdb” and / or “SplineFitDB.rdb” into your working subdirectory (e.g. into the “SLitrani/SMacros” subdirectory, if you work there).
Yes, compiling worked well, thanks! 
I even asked some colleques and no one knows how to install SLitrani… probably this is a dead topic.
Might be interesting whenever someone wants to do research again with scintilliation light with the CERN crystals…
But on the other hand: Obviously no one cares 
@Wile_E_Coyote I am not able to install SLitrani. Can you help me?
This link seems not working.
a simple “SLitrani source”-google gives a link to the current source. It compiles with ROOT 6 is the claim.
Unfortunately the link to the source code is not working but looking at the page of the Crystal Clear Collaboration, the current spokesperson is: Etiennette Auffray. I suggest to contact her.