Silence Return From TTimer

I have injected some root into a standalone c++ program for plotting. In trying to use a TTimer to keep canvas objects interactive, the TTimer Notify return value is printed to screen on each timeout. Is there a simple way to silence this?



I suspect you can derive your own class from TTimer and specify the correct behavior. Something like:

class TTimerDerived: public TTimer {
  virtual void  Timeout() override { Emit("Timeout();"); } //*SIGNAL*

The only difference is to add a ; after the Timeout() signal.

Note that I have not tried how it’d work because I have not got your minimal reproducer.

If you provide a minimal reproducer I could be more helpful.

Hey vvassilev,

Thanks for the comment. It allowed me to discover that the the print was originating from a missed semicolon, not the Notify function. I had

_rootApp = new TApplication("testApp",0,0);
_updateTimer = new TTimer("gSystem->ProcessEvents()", 50,0);

instead of

_rootApp = new TApplication("testApp",0,0);
_updateTimer = new TTimer("gSystem->ProcessEvents();", 50,0);

Thanks so much.

With regard to minimally reproducible examples. How can we supply such a thing when the code is being built externally to root? Should we include a full makefile etc?

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