Dear Expert,
Sorry if this is trivial,
I would like to calculate a significance as a function of mass using bin by bin.
for example each bin of mass I should calculate the significance and after that calculate the sum quadratic all of these significances.
What I will try to do :
my histogram declared by:
self.add(“m”, 60 , 0, 6000)
and I will calculate the number of bin by:
Numbin = (6000-0)/60 =100
Then I will calculate the significance for each bin, start by [0,100]; [100,200],[200,300],[300,400]…etc
and after that I will calculte the sum quadrqtic as:
Sig=(sig12 + sig22 + sig32+ ....... )½
Could you please confirm me if what I will do is right or no
It is not really correct. You can combine the bins if you know the distribution in each bins. Suppose it is Normal and you get a significance in each bin sig(i). Then you can sum the square of each bin as you are doing and the distribution is a Chi-square distribution with n-degree of freedom. Then from the obtained value you can compute a p-value which you can transform then in a significance.
For example, here is a code example, supposing each bin has a significance sig[i]
double chi2 = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
chi2 += sig[i]*sig[i];
double pvalue = ROOT::Math::chisquared_cdf_c(chi2, N);
double significance = ROOT::Math::normal_quantile_c(pvalue, 1);