Signals emitted by TLine

Hello everyone,
I have a problem writing a graphical user interface. I have several diagrams in which I have to specify cuts for my data. I drew TLines in the diagram to visualise the cuts. I also have number entries in my window to enter the cuts manually.
The user can move the TLines around to specify the cuts. What I still need to do is to connect some kind of “Moved()” signal which TLine is supposed to emit after being moved with an update method of my number entries and vice versa. But I cannot find anywhere a list of the signals which are emitted by these two classes. In fact, I don’t know if TLine even emitts something like “Moved()”.

Best regards,


Use the shell comand

to see the list of all ROOT signals available.
The signals those can be useful for you are:

grep '*SIGNAL*' $ROOTSYS/include/* | grep TCanvas include/TCanvas.h: virtual void Picked(TPad *selpad, TObject *selected, Int_t event); // *SIGNAL* include/TCanvas.h: virtual void ProcessedEvent(Int_t event, Int_t x, Int_t y, TObject *selected); // *SIGNAL* include/TCanvas.h: virtual void Selected(TVirtualPad *pad, TObject *obj, Int_t event); // *SIGNAL* include/TCanvas.h: virtual void Closed(); // *SIGNAL*
Assuming you know the pointer to your TLine object you can connect your slot with the ProcessEvent SIGNAL

void CatchMyTLine(Int_t event, Int_t x, Int_t y, TObject *selected) { // ROOT SLOT to be connected with TCanvas::ProcessEvent SIGNAL if (selected == myTLinePointer) { // do something } }

Thank you fine,
I worked around it connecting the “Modified()” Signal of my pads with an update-routine.
I will also try the “Selected()” version.



[quote=“norbert”]I worked around it connecting the “Modified()” Signal of my pads with an update-routine.
I will also try the “Selected()” version.
[/quote]Neither signal gives the information you had asked about, namely, “moving”.