Hello I used gaussian function for the signal and a linear equation for the background to fit invariant mass distribution. All in all, the fitting it looks good but the problem is I got “Signal Counts: 778.322” and “Background Counts: 726.354” but on the original histogram there are 1.018574e+07 entries. Can someone please help me to fix it? Here is the macro
#include <TStyle.h>
#include <TCanvas.h>
#include <TH1.h>
#include <TF1.h>
#include <TFile.h>
#include <TLegend.h>
Double_t background(Double_t *x, Double_t *par) {
return par[0] + par[1]*x[0];
Double_t GAUSS(Double_t *x, Double_t *par) {
return par[0]*exp(-0.5*(((x[0]-par[1])/par[2])*((x[0]-par[1])/par[2])));
Double_t fitFunction(Double_t *x, Double_t *par) {
return background(x,par) + GAUSS(x,&par[3]);
void fit_hist() {
// Open the input file
TFile *tf = new TFile("outrfile.root");
// Get the histograms h_tp and h_m from the file
TH1F *h_tpp = (TH1F*)tf->Get("h_tpp");
TH1F *h_m = (TH1F*)tf->Get("h_m");
// Fit the h_m histogram using fitFunction
TCanvas *c_m = new TCanvas("c_m", "Invariant Mass", 800, 600);
h_m->SetYTitle("Number of #Lambda candidates");
h_m->SetXTitle("m_{inv} (GeV/c^2)");
double minMass = 1.1025;
double maxMass = 1.13;
double maxBinContent = h_m->GetMaximum();
TF1 *fitFcn = new TF1("fitFcn", fitFunction, minMass, maxMass, 6);
// Initial parameters
fitFcn->SetParameter(0, 1); // Roughly estimated
fitFcn->SetParameter(1, 1); // Roughly estimated
fitFcn->SetParameter(2, 1); // Roughly estimated
fitFcn->SetParameter(3, maxBinContent); // Height of the peak
fitFcn->SetParameter(4, 1.115); // Rough mean of the peak
fitFcn->SetParameter(5, 0.003); // Rough width of the peak
h_m->Fit("fitFcn", "VR+", "ep");
TF1 *backFcn = new TF1("backFcn", background, minMass, maxMass, 3);
TF1 *signalFcn = new TF1("signalFcn", GAUSS, minMass, maxMass, 3);
Double_t par[5];
//New addings
// This part of the code explains the bacgorund in the signal region,
double mu = fitFcn->GetParameter(4); // Mean of the Gaussian
double sigma = fitFcn->GetParameter(5); // Standard deviation of the Gaussian
// Ranges for background sidebands and signal
double leftSidebandMin = minMass;
double leftSidebandMax = mu - sigma;
double signalMin = mu -2*sigma;
double signalMax = mu + 2*sigma;
double rightSidebandMin = mu + sigma;
double rightSidebandMax = maxMass;
double leftSidebandBackground = backFcn->Integral(leftSidebandMin, leftSidebandMax) / (leftSidebandMax - leftSidebandMin);
double rightSidebandBackground = backFcn->Integral(rightSidebandMin, rightSidebandMax) / (rightSidebandMax - rightSidebandMin);
// Average the sideband backgrounds to get an estimate for the background in the signal region
double backgroundEstimate = (leftSidebandBackground + rightSidebandBackground);
// Calculate Signal Counts
double signalCounts = signalFcn->Integral(signalMin, signalMax);
// Background Counts
double backgroundCounts = backgroundEstimate * (signalMax - signalMin);
//Calculate S/(B + S)
double SoverB = signalCounts / ( backgroundCounts + signalCounts);
// Calculate (S + B) /B
double BoverS = (signalCounts + backgroundCounts) / backgroundCounts;
double chi2Total = fitFcn->GetChisquare();
std::cout << "Signal Counts: " << signalCounts << std::endl;
std::cout << "Background Counts: " << backgroundCounts << std::endl;
std::cout << "Signal-to-Background Ratio (S/B + S): " << SoverB << std::endl;
std::cout <<"Background -to Signal Ratio (S + B)/B:" << BoverS << std::endl;
std::cout <<" Total Chi Square: " << chi2Total << std::endl;
TLegend *legend_m = new TLegend(0.6,0.65,0.88,0.85);
legend_m->AddEntry(h_m, "Data", "lpe");
legend_m->AddEntry(backFcn, "Background fit", "l");
legend_m->AddEntry(signalFcn, "Signal fit", "l");
legend_m->AddEntry(fitFcn, "Global Fit", "l");
TPaveText *infoBox = new TPaveText(0.6, 0.2, 0.9, 0.6, "NDC"); // Adjust coordinates as needed
// Add each line of text to the box
infoBox->AddText(Form("Signal Counts: %.1f", signalCounts));
infoBox->AddText(Form("Background Counts: %.3f", backgroundCounts));
infoBox->AddText(Form("Signal-to-Background Ratio S/(B + S): %.6f", SoverB));
infoBox->AddText(Form("Background-to-Signal Ratio (S + B)/B: %.4f", BoverS));
infoBox->AddText(Form(" #chi^{2}: %.0f", chi2Total));
// Some optional styling
infoBox->SetFillColor(0); // White background
infoBox->SetTextSize(0.03); // Adjust text size if necessary
infoBox->SetBorderSize(1); // Box border size
// Draw the box on the canvas
// Fit the h_tpp histogram for proper time
TCanvas *c_tpp = new TCanvas("c_tpp", "Proper Time", 800, 600);
h_tpp->SetYTitle("Number of #Lambda candidates");
h_tpp->SetXTitle("tp cm/c");
TF1 *fit_tpp = new TF1("fit_tpp", "[0]*exp(-x/[1])", 30, 40);
h_tpp->Fit(fit_tpp,"", "", 30, 40 );
TLegend *legend_tpp = new TLegend(0.1, 0.7, 0.3, 0.9);
legend_tpp->AddEntry(h_tpp, "Data", "l");
legend_tpp->AddEntry(fit_tpp, "Exponential Fit", "l");
double chi2 = fit_tpp->GetChisquare();
int ndf = fit_tpp->GetNDF();
double reducedChi2 = chi2 / ndf;
std::cout << "Chi-square: " << chi2 << std::endl;
std::cout << "Degrees of Freedom: " << ndf << std::endl;
std::cout << "Reduced Chi-square: " << reducedChi2 << std::endl;
float tau = fit_tpp->GetParameter(1);
float tau_error = fit_tpp->GetParError(1);
std::cout << "Tau (proper time): " << tau << std::endl;
std::cout << "Error on Tau: " << tau_error << std::endl;
// Write histograms
TFile f("fit_hist.root", "recreate");