Should we use integral method in TF1 or GetBinContent method in TH1 to get the integral from overlapping Gaussian peaks?

Play with a simple, dedicated simulation (a “toy MC”).

  • The histogram is filled with each component separately (it is the preferred method, I guess):
  Bool_t bg_pol2 = kFALSE; // simulate a "pol2" or a "broken line" background
  // gRandom->SetSeed(0); // make it "really random"
  // gStyle->SetOptFit(); // print fit parameters in the statistics box
  Int_t n = 200; // number of bins
  Double_t xl = 360., xr = xl + n; // make sure "bin width" = 1.
  TF1 *bg;
  if (bg_pol2) bg = new TF1("bg", "pol2", xl, xr); // pol2 background
  else bg = new TF1("bg", "((x < [2]) * [1] * (x - [2])) + [0]", xl, xr); // "broken line" background
  bg->SetParNames("a", "b", "c"); // any background
  bg->SetLineColor(kBlack); bg->SetNpx(3 * n);  // e.g., (n) or (3 * n);
  TF1 *g1 = new TF1("g1", "gausn", xl, xr);
  g1->SetParNames("Area_1", "Mean_1", "Sigma_1"); // gausn
  g1->SetLineColor(kGreen); g1->SetNpx(bg->GetNpx());
  TF1 *g2 = new TF1("g2", "gausn", xl, xr);
  g2->SetParNames("Area_2", "Mean_2", "Sigma_2"); // gausn
  g2->SetLineColor(kBlue);  g2->SetNpx(bg->GetNpx());
  if (bg_pol2) {
    bg->SetParameters(450., 0.4, -0.002); // pol2 background
    // bg->SetParameters(1150., -2., 0.); // pol2 background
  } else {
    bg->SetParameters(60., -4., 460.); // "broken line" background
  g1->SetParameters(5.e4, 430., 10.); // gausn
  g2->SetParameters(4.e4, 490., 10.); // gausn
  delete gDirectory->FindObject("h"); // prevent "memory leak"
  TH1D *h = new TH1D("h", "h;Channel;Counts", n, xl, xr);
  h->FillRandom("bg", Int_t(bg->Integral(xl, xr) + 0.5)); // any background
  h->FillRandom("g1", Int_t(g1->Integral(xl, xr) + 0.5)); // gausn
  h->FillRandom("g2", Int_t(g2->Integral(xl, xr) + 0.5)); // gausn
  TF1 *f = new TF1("f", "g1 + g2 + bg", xl, xr); // note: parameters are (re)ordered lexicographically
  f->SetLineColor(kRed); f->SetNpx(bg->GetNpx());
  // f->Print();
#if 1 /* 0 or 1 */
  h->Fit(f, "L"); // e.g., "" or "L"
#else /* 0 or 1 */
#endif /* 0 or 1 */
  bg->SetParameters(f->GetParameter("a"), f->GetParameter("b"), f->GetParameter("c")); // any background
  g1->SetParameters(f->GetParameter("Area_1"), f->GetParameter("Mean_1"), f->GetParameter("Sigma_1")); // gausn
  g2->SetParameters(f->GetParameter("Area_2"), f->GetParameter("Mean_2"), f->GetParameter("Sigma_2")); // gausn
  • The histogram is filled with a sum of all components (individual components will be distributed more randomly):
  Bool_t bg_pol2 = kFALSE; // simulate a "pol2" or a "broken line" background
  // gRandom->SetSeed(0); // make it "really random"
  // gStyle->SetOptFit(); // print fit parameters in the statistics box
  Int_t n = 200; // number of bins
  Double_t xl = 360., xr = xl + n; // make sure "bin width" = 1.
  delete gDirectory->FindObject("h"); // prevent "memory leak"
  TH1D *h = new TH1D("h", "h;Channel;Counts", n, xl, xr);
  TF1 *f;
  if (bg_pol2) {
    f = new TF1("f", "gausn(0) + gausn(3) + pol2(6)", xl, xr);
    f->SetParNames("Area_1", "Mean_1", "Sigma_1", // gausn(0)
                   "Area_2", "Mean_2", "Sigma_2", // gausn(3)
                   "a", "b", "c"); // pol2(6)
    f->SetParameters(5.e4, 430., 10., // gausn(0)
                     4.e4, 490., 10., // gausn(3)
                     450., 0.4, -0.002); // pol2(6)
                     // 1150., -2., 0.); // pol2(6)
  } else {
    f = new TF1("f", "gausn(0) + gausn(3) + ((x < [8]) * [7] * (x - [8])) + [6]", xl, xr);
    f->SetParNames("Area_1", "Mean_1", "Sigma_1", // gausn(0)
                   "Area_2", "Mean_2", "Sigma_2", // gausn(3)
                   "a", "b", "c"); // "broken line" background (6)
    f->SetParameters(5.e4, 430., 10., // gausn(0)
                     4.e4, 490., 10., // gausn(3)
                     60., -4., 460.); // "broken line" background (6)
  f->SetLineColor(kRed); f->SetNpx(3 * n); // e.g., (n) or (3 * n);
  // f->Print();
  h->FillRandom("f", Int_t(f->Integral(xl, xr) + 0.5));
#if 1 /* 0 or 1 */
  h->Fit(f, "L"); // e.g., "" or "L"
#else /* 0 or 1 */
#endif /* 0 or 1 */
  TF1 *g1 = new TF1("g1", "gausn", xl, xr);
  g1->SetParNames(f->GetParName(0), f->GetParName(1), f->GetParName(2));
  g1->SetParameters(f->GetParameters() + 0); // gausn(0)
  g1->SetLineColor(kGreen); g1->SetNpx(f->GetNpx());
  TF1 *g2 = new TF1("g2", "gausn", xl, xr);
  g2->SetParNames(f->GetParName(3), f->GetParName(4), f->GetParName(5));
  g2->SetParameters(f->GetParameters() + 3); // gausn(3)
  g2->SetLineColor(kBlue); g2->SetNpx(f->GetNpx());
  TF1 *bg;
  if (bg_pol2) bg = new TF1("bg", "pol2", xl, xr);
  else bg = new TF1("bg", "((x < [2]) * [1] * (x - [2])) + [0]", xl, xr);
  bg->SetParNames(f->GetParName(6), f->GetParName(7), f->GetParName(8));
  bg->SetParameters(f->GetParameters() + 6); // any background (6)
  bg->SetLineColor(kBlack); bg->SetNpx(f->GetNpx());
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