Setting Track Colors for Different Ions


I’m hoping that this is just a simple thing that I am just not seeing because I’ve been staring at this code all day.

Basic situation, I have code that simulates an ionization chamber with two kinds of ion beams entering from the bottom. One is for 26-Al, the other for 29-Si. Everything is working perfectly fine except for one detail.

I want 26-Al and the 29-Si tracks to be different colors. (The exact colors don’t really matter, I’ve been aiming for 26-Al being Green and 29-Si being Purple but really I just need the tracks to be different enough that colorblindness isn’t an issue). I can control the colors of the tracks just fine - except I have yet to find a way to code it that results in different colors. They always end up the same color.

Following is my code, if needed.

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>

#include <math.h>

#include <TCanvas.h>
#include <TROOT.h>
#include <TApplication.h>

#include "Garfield/ViewCell.hh"
#include "Garfield/ViewDrift.hh"
#include "Garfield/ViewSignal.hh"
#include "Garfield/ViewField.hh"

#include "Garfield/ComponentAnalyticField.hh"
#include "Garfield/MediumMagboltz.hh"
#include "Garfield/Sensor.hh"
#include "Garfield/DriftLineRKF.hh"
#include "Garfield/TrackSrim.hh" //Probably not needed
#include "Garfield/TrackTrim.hh"

using namespace Garfield;

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {

    TApplication app("app", &argc, argv);



    // Make a gas medium.
    MediumMagboltz gas;


    // Make a component with analytic electric field.
    ComponentAnalyticField cmp;
    cmp.SetMedium(&gas);                  // Attach gas to cmp

    // Set parameters
    const int nElec = 19;                 // Number of electrodes - assumes CACACACA....             //(19)
    const int nWires = 50;                // Wires per electrode                                     //(50)
    const double dWire = 0.0007*2.54;     // Diameter of each wire [cm]
    const double elecspac = 0.497 * 2.54; // Spacing between electrodes [cm]
    const double wirespac = 0.2;          // Spacing between wires [cm]
    //Only have one of each Cathode and Anode not commented out at a time
    //const double vCathode = -250.;        // Potential of cathodes [V] 
    //const double vAnode = 250.;           // Potential of anodes [V] 
    const double vCathode = 0.;           // Potential of cathodes [V]
    const double vAnode = 500.;           // Potential of anodes [V]                                 //!! 500ish?
    const double chamberRad = (nWires * wirespac / 2.) +2.5;        // Radius of chamber [cm]                                  //!!
    double vWire;
    std::string label;

    // Create electrodes
    bool cathode = true;                  // First electrode is a cathode
    for (int j = 0; j < nElec; j++) {

        // Set y positions
        double ywire = elecspac * j;

        // Set potential and label
        if (cathode) {
            vWire = vCathode;
            label = "C";                  // Elements with same label are grouped together
        else if (!cathode) {
            vWire = vAnode;
            label = "A";

        // Create wires
        for (int i = -nWires / 2; i < nWires / 2; i++) {
            double xwire = wirespac * i + wirespac/2.;
            cmp.AddWire(xwire, ywire, dWire, vWire, label);

        // Set 'cathode' for next electrode
        cathode = !cathode;               // Alternate CACACA...

    // Define area (for sensor and outer casing)
    const double xmin = -chamberRad;
    const double xmax = chamberRad;
    const double ymin = -elecspac;                                                                   // !! Should actually be size of dead region
    const double ymax = nElec * elecspac;                                                            // !!?
    const double zmin = -chamberRad;
    const double zmax = chamberRad;
    const unsigned int nx = 1000;  //Should give point density, Default is 200
    const unsigned int ny = 1000;  //Should give point density, Default is 200

    // Create outer casing - model w 4 planes
    cmp.AddPlaneX(xmin, 0., "P1");
    cmp.AddPlaneY(ymin, 0., "P2");
    cmp.AddPlaneX(xmax, 0., "P3");
    cmp.AddPlaneY(ymax, 0., "P4");

    // Request calculation of the weighting field. 
    cmp.AddReadout("A");                  // Only anodes read out


    // Make a sensor.
    Sensor sensor;
    sensor.AddComponent(&cmp);                // Signal from cmp

    // Set area                               // Area the sensor considers
    sensor.SetArea(xmin, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax);


    // Set up TRIM
    TrackTrim Al26tr, Si29tr;
    //const std::string file = "Aluminum-26 in No. 340 Isobutane (gas).txt";
    const unsigned int nIons = 10000;
    const unsigned int nSkip = 0;
    if ((!Al26tr.ReadFile("Al26EXYZ.txt", nIons, nSkip)) || (!Si29tr.ReadFile("Si29EXYZ.txt", nIons, nSkip))) {
      std::cerr << "Reading TRIM EXYZ files failed.\n";
      return 1;

      Kinetic Energy -
      Ecm = 2.5 MeV , 0.72 MeV/u -> T = 18.73e6
      Ecm = 5 MeV , 1.441 MeV/u -> T = 37.46e6
      Energy losses relative to a blocker of mylar either 1.12 or 0.71 um thick
      0.72 MeV/u, 0.71 um -> el = 0.100
      0.72 MeV/u, 1.12 um -> el = 0.162
      1.441 MeV/u, 0.71 um -> el = 0.046
      1.441 MeV/u, 1.12 um -> el = 0.073
      ekin = (1 - el)*T
      This is a crude approach, but good enough for now.
    double ekin = 34.725e6;
    Al26tr.SetWorkFunction(30);                  // Work Function, just set to 30 eV
    //tr.SetAtomicMassNumbers(58.12,34);         // Set (A,Z) of gas of medium in SRIM

    // Set up drift lines
    std::cout << "RKF integration\n";
    DriftLineRKF drift;
    drift.SetMaximumStepSize(0.1 * wirespac);   // Setting Max Step Size; Experimental to get rid of "Hooks"
    drift.SetSensor(&sensor);                   // Attach to the sensor

    // Set canvas
    std::cout << "Set canvas for drift\n";
    TCanvas* cD = nullptr;                      // Canvas cD will be used to plot the electron drift lines
    cD = new TCanvas("cD", "", 600, 600);       // Sets stuff up but won't be plotted yet
    //SetNumberOfSamples2d(nx, ny);               // Set number of points, default 200
    // Defined outside loop to allow it to be used after loop
    ViewCell cellView;                          // To visualise outline of cell i.e. tube, wire etc
    cellView.SetComponent(&cmp);                // Viewing cmp

    ViewDrift driftView;                        // To visualise electron drift lines

    driftView.SetCanvas(cD);                    // Set canvas to cD
    driftView.SetArea(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax);  // Restrict area to be plotted
    drift.EnablePlotting(&driftView);           // Also need to specifically enable plotting drift
    Al26tr.EnablePlotting(&driftView);          // TRIM plotting 
    cellView.SetCanvas(cD);                     // cellView will be plotted on same canvas
    cellView.SetArea(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax);

    // Open output file
    std::ofstream output; "out.txt" );
    output << "# xi yi wire time \n";


    // Main loop
    int n1 = 100; // 10 Electrons per row
    //int n1 = 100; // 100 Electrons per row
    int n2 = 100;//100;  // Number of rows - "10"
    //int n2 = 100; // Number of rows - "100"
    for (int j = 0; j < n2; ++j) {                  // Each row                              //~20mins per row of 200 electrons
      for (int k = 0; k < n1+1; ++k) {              // Each electron in the row

	    // Simulate a track.
	    //const double xt = xmin;
	    const double xt = ((xmin + xmax) / 2) + (100*j + k) * (xmax - xmin) / 2500000; //y-track; 2500000 goes to 1 mm width
	    //const double yt = ymin + (10*j + k) * (ymax - ymin) / (n1 * n2);
	    const double yt = ymin; //y-track
	    //track.NewTrack(xt, yt, 0., 0., 1., 0., 0.);
	    Al26tr.NewTrack(xt, yt, 0., 0., 0., 1., 0.); //y-track;
	    Si29tr.NewTrack(xt + 1, yt, 0., 0., 0., 1., 0.); //
    //Test of Track Output

    // Loop over the clusters.                                                    
    double xc, yc, zc, tc, ec, extra;
    int nc;
    while (Al26tr.GetCluster(xc, yc, zc, tc, nc, ec, extra) && Si29tr.GetCluster(xc, yc, zc, tc, nc, ec, extra)) {
      for (int j = 0; j < nc; ++j) {
	Al26tr.GetCluster(xc, yc, zc, tc, nc, ec, ekin);
        Si29tr.GetCluster(xc, yc, zc, tc, nc, ec, ekin);
      output << "\n \n";

    // Close output file

    // Plot drift
    std::cout << "Plot drift\n";
    cellView.Plot2d();                        // Plot2d to plot cell (set up earlier)
    constexpr bool twod = true;
    constexpr bool drawaxis = false;
    driftView.Plot(twod, drawaxis);           // Plot to plot drift lines (set up earlier) - NOTE: when drawaxis is true, cell gets overwritten... FIX(?)


    // Set up fieldView to plot the electric potential
    std::cout << "Set up fieldView\n";
    TCanvas* cF = nullptr;                                            // Canvas cF will be used to plot potential/field
    ViewField fieldView;                                              // ViewField object manages this
    cF = new TCanvas("cF", "", 700, 600);                             // Doesn't rely on the main simulation loop so we can set up then plot immediately
    fieldView.SetSensor(&sensor);                                     // ViewField gets the field/potentials from sensor (sensor is an interface between a lot of things)
    fieldView.SetPlane(0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0.);                       // Set plane to plot - xy plane

    cellView.SetCanvas(cF);                                           // Also plot cell on same plot (this is why cellView was set up BEFORE main loop)
    cellView.SetPlane(0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0.);                        // Set plane to plot - xy plane
    cellView.SetArea(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax);                         // Restrict area (so that it lines up with area set by sensor)

    // Plot field
    std::cout << "Plot field\n";
    //fieldView.Plot("e","CONT2");     // ARR looks promising but too many cells
    fieldView.PlotContour("v");                                       // Plot "e" for field magnitude, "v" for potential (see table 4.2, pg55)
    cellView.Plot2d();                                                // Also plot cell




Any assistance would be appreciated.

I think you could do that by creating two separate ViewDrift objects, one for each ion species. If it doesn’t work let me know, maybe ViewDrift needs a bit of tweaking…

I’ll try that after I get some sleep. At the very least, that’s something I haven’t tried before so thank you for that either way.

Worked like a charm. Thank ye kindly.

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