Setting step size in simple TH2 fitting

I cannot find an answer in this form or in any of the examples:

Is there any way to set a step size while performing simple TH2 fitting? In FitPanel there is a “step” field for each parameter, but if I correctly understand the sources, this is only used for setting minimum and maximum for the parameter…

step size can be set by using either the fit panel or by setting directly in TF1 via TF1::SetParError or TF1::SetParErrors.
If the value set is zero, a default step size will be used (typically 10% of the parameter value)

Best Regards


That’s what I tried at the beginning:

	psf_fun->SetParameters(1, 1, 18, 18.4, -1.17536e-02, -2.95840e-02, 9.05276e-03,1.52569e-02, 2.51531e-03);	
	psf_fun->SetParError(1, 10);
	prof->Fit(psf_fun, "W");

Then I get:

 FCN=366.649 FROM MIGRAD    STATUS=CONVERGED      75 CALLS          76 TOTAL
                     EDM=0    STRATEGY= 1  ERROR MATRIX UNCERTAINTY 100.0 per cent
  EXT PARAMETER                APPROXIMATE        STEP         FIRST
  NO.   NAME      VALUE            ERROR          SIZE      DERIVATIVE
   1  p0           1.00000e+00   1.41421e+00   0.00000e+00   0.00000e+00
   2  p1           1.00000e+00   1.41421e+00   0.00000e+00   0.00000e+00

the displayed step size is 0, and during the fit I can see that it starts changing the p1 by 0.3, not by 10 as I requested…

I’ll try to create a working example soon.

OK, the modified tutorial example.

The line
f2->SetParError(0, 0.01);

does not seem to have any effect on the step size…
fit2.C (1.37 KB)


you can see the initail step size only if you use the verbose option (“V”).
Here is what I get by turning on this option

 **    1 **SET PRINT           2
    NO.   NAME         VALUE      STEP SIZE      LIMITS
     1 p0           4.00000e+02  1.00000e-02     no limits
     2 p1          -3.00000e+00  9.00000e-01     no limits
     3 p2           3.00000e+00  9.00000e-01     no limits
     4 p3          -3.00000e+00  9.00000e-01     no limits
     5 p4           3.00000e+00  9.00000e-01     no limits

so you have 0.01 as expected.
However, which ROOT version are you using ? Maybe with aversion earlier than 5.22, this probably did not work


I’ve got root 5.22/00. Here is my output :confused: :

root [0] .x fit2.C
 **    1 **SET PRINT           2
    NO.   NAME         VALUE      STEP SIZE      LIMITS
     1 p0           4.00000e+02  1.20000e+02     no limits
     2 p1          -3.00000e+00  9.00000e-01     no limits
     3 p2           3.00000e+00  9.00000e-01     no limits
     4 p3          -3.00000e+00  9.00000e-01     no limits
     5 p4           3.00000e+00  9.00000e-01     no limits

So obviously something is not working. Maybe I should update…

OK, after update the error changes the step size. However, the initial step size is not the real step size - just proportional. Is that intentional?

   1  p0           0.00000e+00   1.00000e+00
   2  p1           0.00000e+00   1.00000e+00

and than first changes of those parameters are:

0.01 0
-0.01 0
0.1 0
-0.1 0