I’m working on a test where I need to create an RNTuple that can be accessed from another file. Ideally, I’d prefer not to save the ntuple to disk and then delete it afterward.
For TTrees, SetDirectory(0) enables the tree to exist independently of any specific directory. Is there a similar option for RNTuples to achieve this?
Reading and writing concurrently is a functionality that is not matched in RNTuple. Only once an RNTuple is committed, you can start reading.
If you don’t want to persistify the data, you can however write the data into a TMemFile, and once the RNTupleWriter is done, open an RNTupleReader on the memory file.
Using TMemFile sounds like a great idea! However, I’m a bit unsure about the implementation.
When I try this approach, as you can see in the example, it still creates a file. I expected something like this to work: auto ntuple = RNTupleWriter::Recreate(std::move(model), "Input ntuple", memFile.get());
However, it seems that RNTuple doesn’t accept a TMemFile as a parameter.
Do you have any ideas on how I can keep this entirely in memory without creating a file on disk?
#include <memory>
#include <filesystem>
#include <ROOT/RNTupleModel.hxx>
#include <ROOT/RNTupleWriter.hxx>
#include <TMemFile.h>
using ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleModel;
using ROOT::Experimental::RNTupleWriter;
int main () {
// Create a TMemFile
std::unique_ptr<TMemFile> memFile = std::make_unique<TMemFile>("InputNtuple.root", "RECREATE");
// Create an RNTuple model
auto model = RNTupleModel::Create();
// Create fields for the RNTuple
auto var1Field = model->MakeField<float>("Field1");
// Create an RNTuple
auto ntuple = RNTupleWriter::Recreate(std::move(model), "Input ntuple", "InputNtuple.root");
// Check if the file exists
if(std::filesystem::exists("InputNtuple.root")) {
std::cout << "Input file exists" << std::endl;
// Fill the RNTuple with some information
*var1Field = 3;
// Write the TMemFile to memory