Set TRatioPlot ratio error

This still doesn’t work, it draws the axis twice, like I asked about here.

On further investigation, it seems that the error isn’t being set properly:

  TGraphErrors* gRatioWithErrors = (TGraphErrors*)hRatioPlot->GetLowerRefGraph();
  for(int ii=0;ii<gRatioWithErrors->GetN();ii++)
      std::cout<<ii<<" "<<hRatioErrorPerPoint->GetBinContent(ii+1)<<" "<<gRatioWithErrors->GetErrorY(ii)<<std::endl;

0 2.24397 68.6574
1 0.962936 84.5099
2 2.11517 13009.7
3 26.4041 577946
4 12.1803 5266.68
5 7.8174 3485.87
6 1.92447 3681.33
7 1.86803 139.855
8 7.75246 7.48251e+08
9 2.12146 18.201
10 115.378 2.35133e+17