Set std::valarray in branch

_ROOT Version:6.18.04

@pcanal I cannot fill a tree with std::valarray;

TTree t1 ...
std::valarray<float> a;
t1->Branch("a", &a);

with error message

Error in <TStreamerInfo::Build>: valarray<float>, discarding: float* __begin_, no [dimension]

Error in <TStreamerInfo::Build>: valarray<float>, discarding: float* __end_, no [dimension]

Invalid data type for FITS Data I/O

libc++abi.dylib: terminating with uncaught exception of type CCfits::FITSUtil::UnrecognizedType

but I could set it in another way

t1->Branch("a", &a[0], "a[4]/F");

Is it a safe way to do these things?
Is there a better way?


@pcanal is probably on vacation until next week. I just ping here so the topic doesn’t get closed.

The I/O currently does not support std::valarray per se. If you can not use std::array and if your valarray is indeed of fixed size, then your alternative is a good choice (as long as the branch is created after the valarray has been set to the correct size).




there’s also a simple ROOT <==> FITS converter, shipped with go-hep (master):

$> go get
$> root-ls -t ./simple.root 
=== [./simple.root] ===
version: 60600
  TTree   tree      fake data (entries=4)
    one   "one/I"   TBranch
    two   "two/F"   TBranch
    three "three/C" TBranch

$> go get
$> root-dump ./simple.root 
>>> file[./simple.root]
key[000]: tree;1 "fake data" (TTree)
[000][one]: 1
[000][two]: 1.1
[000][three]: uno
[001][one]: 2
[001][two]: 2.2
[001][three]: dos
[002][one]: 3
[002][two]: 3.3
[002][three]: tres
[003][one]: 4
[003][two]: 4.4
[003][three]: quatro

$> go get
$> root2fits -h
root2fits converts the content of a ROOT tree to a FITS (binary) table.

Usage: root2fits [OPTIONS] -f input.root


 $> root2fits -f ./input.root -t tree

  -f string
    	path to input ROOT file name
  -o string
    	path to output FITS file name (default "output.fits")
  -t string
    	name of the ROOT tree to convert

$> root2fits -t tree -f ./simple.root 

$> go get
$> go-fitsio-listhead ./output.fits
Header listing for HDU #0:
SIMPLE  = true                          / file does conform to FITS standard
BITPIX  = 8                             / number of bits per data pixel
NAXIS   = 0                             / number of data axes
NAXIS1  = 0                             / length of data axis 1
NAXIS2  = 0                             / length of data axis 2

Header listing for HDU #1:
XTENSION= BINTABLE                      / table extension
BITPIX  = 8                             / number of bits per data pixel
NAXIS   = 2                             / number of data axes
NAXIS1  = 15                            / length of data axis 1
NAXIS2  = 4                             / length of data axis 2
PCOUNT  = 0                             / heap area size (bytes)
GCOUNT  = 1                             / one data group
TFIELDS = 3                             / number of fields in each row
TTYPE1  = one                           / label for column 1
TFORM1  = J                             / data format for column 1
TSCAL1  = 0                             / scaling offset for column 1
TZERO1  = 0                             / zero value for column 1
TBCOL1  = 1                             / 
TTYPE2  = two                           / label for column 2
TFORM2  = E                             / data format for column 2
TSCAL2  = 0                             / scaling offset for column 2
TZERO2  = 0                             / zero value for column 2
TBCOL2  = 5                             / 
TTYPE3  = three                         / label for column 3
TFORM3  = 7A                            / data format for column 3
TSCAL3  = 0                             / scaling offset for column 3
TZERO3  = 0                             / zero value for column 3
TBCOL3  = 9                             / 
EXTNAME = tree                          / name of this table extension
THEAP   = 0                             / gap size (bytes)

$> go get 
$> go-fitsio-tablist ./output.fits 
== 00000/00004 =================================================================
one        | 1
two        | 1.1
three      | uno
== 00001/00004 =================================================================
one        | 2
two        | 2.2
three      | dos
== 00002/00004 =================================================================
one        | 3
two        | 3.3
three      | tres
== 00003/00004 =================================================================
one        | 4
two        | 4.4
three      | quatro

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