Segfaults in ROOT

Folks, I am mystified by some segfaults that I get in CINT. Here’s the code:

std::vector<TH1F*>  hist;
for(int i=0;i<8;i++) { hist.push_back(new TH1F(Form("hist%d",i),"",50,0,4));}

Then, when I try to access hist[1], hist[2] etc I get a sefault. hist[0] is fine though.

What am I doing wrong??


When I do the same things outside of a loop (i.e. individually doing

hist.push_back(new TH1F(Form("hist%d",0),"",50,0,4));
hist.push_back(new TH1F(Form("hist%d",1),"",50,0,4));
hist.push_back(new TH1F(Form("hist%d",2),"",50,0,4));

it all works fine. Is the loops screwing things up??

Forgot to mention – I am using 5.34/01

it all works fine. Is the loops screwing things up??

Forgot to mention – I am using 5.34/01[/quote]

That’s a bug. You can still have a loop, but have to re-write it like this to make it work:

for(int i=0;i<8;i++) { TH1F * h = new TH1F(Form("hist%d",i), "", 50, 0, 4); hist.push_back(h); }
