Seg Violation depending on number of events running

_ROOT Version:_6.10
Platform: Ubuntu 16.04
Compiler: gcc 530

Hi, I have an an analyzer executable running in my dir.

It does its job but results in a segmentation violation with error message hard to decipher.
works_then_fails.txt (22.0 KB)

A more mysterious behavior is that when I increase the number
of events running for the analyzer executable, it results in segmentation violation without even doing its job.
just_fails.txt (23.8 KB)

Although I attached the error messages above, do you have any idea why this can even happen?

Thank you for your response.

Dear trenta_coollime,

I am afraid this support request is not for this forum. You are using a non native compiler on Ubuntu 16.04 (gcc5.3, known to be buggy); you are using an unsupported version of XRootD (4.5.0); you are mixing binaries builds for slc6 on ubuntu 16.04; and all this inside the CMS framework.

I suggest that you get in contact with CMS-offline support to try to identify the problem. And perhaps upgrade to a more recent and more homogenous system.

G Ganis

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