Saving and applying cuts in root-- please help

Hi There,
I have a .root file containing various histograms. I have successfully plotted one vs another in the c1 window, creating a spectra of various nuclei. I can then use the toolbar to create a graphical cut on one specific nucleus. However, what I need to do is save this cut so that I can apply it to other histograms contained in my .root file.

I have “saved” the cuts I made with appropriate names (50Ca, for instance), but once the c1 window is closed, I am unable to apply the cut I made to other histograms, and I am not even sure my cuts are being saved permanently. What would be most helpful is to be able to take the cuts I create, get them in code form, and apply them to an arbitrary histogram via root script, Knowing how to do it through the GUI is also necessary though.

Thank you very much for any help.


Hi Fiore,

[quote]I have “saved” the cuts I made with appropriate names (50Ca, for instance), but once the c1 window is closed, I am unable to apply the cut I made to other histograms, and I am not even sure my cuts are being saved permanently. [/quote]How did you ‘save’ the cuts?
