It actually is not the only test failing. stressGraphics and stressLinear also fail for me.
First my ROOTSYS and PATH env variables are:
C:>echo %ROOTSYS%
C:>echo %PATH%
C:\WINNT\system32;C:\WINNT;C:\WINNT\System32\Wbem;C:\Program Files\Support Tools;c:\Program Files\Microsoft SQLServer\90\Tools\binn;C:\Program Files\cvsnt;C:\Program Files\QuickTime\QTSystem;C:\ProgramFiles\cvsnt;C:\heather\Home\SSH;C:
00\root\lib;C:\heather\glast\tools\ruby\bin;C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\Common7\IDE;C:\heather\bin
I had another member of our collaboration install ROOT on another windows machine - and I find the same failure on that windows machine as well.
Some things to note, I’ve installed ROOT using the binary tar.gz (recommended) version of ROOT 5.14.00 from the ROOT download web page. When I start up ROOT, the splash screen reports that the version is 5.13.07, though the command line for CINT, does state the version is 5.14.00.
The stackTrace for my failure when running stress is as follows:
Test 8 : Trees split and compression modes…
=============== STACKTRACE ===============
================ Thread 0 ================
MSVCR71D!operator delete
c:\heather\glast\extlib\root\v5.14.00\root\test\event.cxx(344): Track::Clear()
c:\heather\glast\extlib\root\v5.14.00\root\test\event.cxx(120): Event::~Event()
libEvent!Event::`vector deleting destructor’()
c:\heather\glast\extlib\root\v5.14.00\root\test\stress.cxx(731): stress8read()
c:\heather\glast\extlib\root\v5.14.00\root\test\stress.cxx(797): stress8()
c:\heather\glast\extlib\root\v5.14.00\root\test\stress.cxx(172): stress()
c:\heather\glast\extlib\root\v5.14.00\root\test\stress.cxx(130): main()
f:\vs70builds\3077\vc\crtbld\crt\src\crtexe.c(398): mainCRTStartup()
================ Thread 1 ================
libCore!`anonymous namespace’::HandleConsoleThread()
0xffffffffe87c8024 ??
================ Thread 2 ================
================ Thread 3 ================
============= END STACKTRACE =============
Upon looking at Event.cxx, I see the failure occurs at line 344:
delete [] fPointValue;
for fun, I put in a check to see that fPointValue was non-null - that didn’t prevent the failure, but commenting out the delete statement altogether did help it get further…I then commented out two other lines:
delete [] fClosestDistance;
delete [] fEventName;
merely checking that these variables were non-null was not enough…but completely eliminating the deletions did allow the stress routine to complete with no trouble.
So I’m still a bit bothered by this…