Running an independent program


I’ve created a program which links against the root libraries for Windows XP. This is done using visual c++.

Is it possible to create a fully standalone & independent windows executable which would run on a Windows XP machine which does not have root and VC++ installed?


Hi Peter,

Sure! Only Root binaries and the executable are needed. Visual C++ is only needed for development and/or for ACLiC. You may have to ship the redistributable though (for example: the files in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\redist\x86\Microsoft.VC90.CRT - for MSVC++9.0)

Cheers, Bertrand.

when I create application using ROOT libs in debug mode (VS2005)
I just put Microsoft.VC80.CRT, Microsoft.VC80.MFC redistribudables
in the same directory where application executable is located.
