RooUnblindOffset crashes for root version 6.32

Hi all,

My code crashes once I use the RooUnblindOffset as it is in the snippet below. This seems to be working just fine when I use an older version of ROOT, e.g, 6.26/04 .
Do you know what can cause the crash here?

I also attach the segmentation error if helps
segfault.txt (18.0 KB)

Many thanks.

   RooRealVar* tauB = new RooRealVar("tau","tau",1.6, 1.4 ,1.8 );
   std::string blindname = "blindTau";
   std::string blindString = "McFluff";
   RooUnblindOffset* blind = new RooUnblindOffset(blindname.c_str(), blindname.c_str(), blindString.c_str(), 0.02, *tauB  );
   RooFormulaVar* Gamma = new RooFormulaVar("Gamma","Gamma","-1/@0" ,RooArgSet(*blind));

Hi @swanski82,

I can see you have opened a GitHub issue about this and our RooFit expert is aware of it. I’m leaving the link to GH issue for the future reference: : RooUnblindOffset crashes for root version 6.32 · Issue #16419 · root-project/root · GitHub.


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