Rootcint in 5.08.00 in SunOS58

Hi everybody,

after upgrading from 4.04.02 to 5.08.00 I have a problem on SunOS58 to compile the
output of rootcint. The error messages I get look like

Compiling [libKanBase.a] [cc-1]
"/nfs/babar/bfdist/releases/nightly-Monday/tmp/SunOS58_sparc_WS6U1/KanBase/", line 6014: Error: bidirectional_iterator is not defined.
"/nfs/babar/bfdist/releases/nightly-Monday/tmp/SunOS58_sparc_WS6U1/KanBase/", line 6014: Error: Unexpected type name “KanID” encountered.
"/nfs/babar/bfdist/releases/nightly-Monday/tmp/SunOS58_sparc_WS6U1/KanBase/", line 6014: Error: Badly formed expression.
"/nfs/babar/bfdist/releases/nightly-Monday/tmp/SunOS58_sparc_WS6U1/KanBase/", line 6015: Error: G__Lpbase is not defined.

Does somebody know how the “biderectional_iterator” came into the rootcint output in
5.08.00? In STL there’s no bidirectional_iterator, and I don’t find it in the ROOT source

BTW, I’m using "g++ -C -E’ as preprocessor. Using the Sun preprocessor makes things
worse b/c (in addition to the problem above) it does not handle correctly “//” comments
in “#ifdef” lines.

Thanks in advance,


could you please post, and the header (KanBase.h?) defining the class / type that is referenced around the line 6014 in

Cheers, Axel.

Hi Axel,

the .cc file is too large to post it here. I copied it to . In …/cint you’ll also find all envolved
header files:

[matthias@pc13 cint]$ ls *.hh
BbrUuidK.hh KanBranchOwner.hh KanCompMap.hh Kan.hh KanPersistentRefOwner.hh
KanBase_Impl.hh KanClassI.hh KanCompoundObj.hh KanID.hh KanReferenceStrategy.hh
KanBase_LinkDef.hh KanClonesObj.hh KanEventReader.hh KanIDHolder.hh KanTreeBase.hh
KanBranch.hh KanClonesVector.hh KanEventWriter.hh KanObj.hh
KanBranchObj.hh KanClonesVector_I.hh KanFileReg.hh KanPersistable.hh

I guess KanID.hh is the one you’re looking for.



could you please post, and the header (KanBase.h?) defining the class / type that is referenced around the line 6014 in

Cheers, Axel.[/quote]