ROOT2005 Workshop announcement

We are pleased to announce that the next ROOT workshop will take
place at CERN on 28,29,30 September 2005.

As in the previous workshops we will describe the status of the system and
the current developments. We expect to be in a position to show
-the first results with the new mathlibs.
-the use of the Reflex package in CINT.
-the enhanced plugin manager.
-the status and progress with I/O and Trees.
-a demo and description of the new PROOF system.
-demos showing the progress with the GUI, guiBuilder and editors.
-demos and description of the new GL viewer.
-the enhanced documentation system.

We are also expecting contributions from our users describing their use
of the system and in particular their requirements.

In the coming weeks we will add a link to pointing
to the workshop page.

Rene brun