Root with C++17 support


I wanted to compile root with support for c++17. I read this (already closed) post:

If I use cmake-gui on a freshly cloned root source (using tag v6-11-02) I do not find the advertised option cxx17. If I add it manually, the build fails as described in the post linked above. I also tried to use the master branch, but it failed as well.

Any Ideas?



I think it is not ready yet

Cheers, Bertrand.

Hi Bertrand,

ah, ok. :-/

Eagerly waiting for c++17 :slight_smile:


PS: Is there an approximate ETA for the c++17 support?

Hi @jkerdels,

ROOT is not yet ready for C++17, unfortunately. However, ROOT 6.12 will be released soon, and that version will support C++17. Currently, there are bugs (in GCC) that prevent building with GCC-7.2.0 in C++17 mode, but I have a branch where I can successfully build with Clang-5.0 in C++17 mode. I will soon make a PR with the changes in that branch, so hopefully before the end of this week the master branch will support C++17 out of the box. Cheers,


That is great news! Thanks for the quick and informative response!

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