Root wit icc 8.0 problem

Hi rooters,
I’ve got the following after compiling root head of today with icc:

kir@pccozza:kir> root
Segmentation fault
kir@pccozza:kir> rootn.exe
Segmentation fault
kir@pccozza:kir> root.exe
Warning in TGClient::GetFontByName: couldn’t retrieve font -adobe-helvetica-medium-r---12------iso8859-1, using "fixed"
Warning in TGClient::GetFontByName: couldn’t retrieve font -adobe-helvetica-bold-r-
--12------iso8859-1, using "fixed"
Warning in TGClient::GetFontByName: couldn’t retrieve font -adobe-helvetica-medium-r---10-----*-iso8859-1, using “fixed”

  •                                     *
  •    W E L C O M E  to  R O O T       *
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  • Version 4.00/02 24 February 2004 *
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FreeType Engine v2.1.3 used to render TrueType fonts.
Compiled for linuxicc with thread support.

CINT/ROOT C/C++ Interpreter version 5.15.124, Feb 17 2004
Type ? for help. Commands must be C++ statements.
Enclose multiple statements between { }.
Info in <my/RootLogon.C>: Use .x demos.C for ROOT; .x menu.C for ALICE
Info in <my/RootLogon.C>: ALICE-RECONSTRUCTION, execute loadlibs.C, DEBUG OFF
dlopen error: /usr/local/intel/8.0/lib/ file too short
Load Error: Failed to load Dynamic link library /usr/local/intel/8.0/lib/
*** Interpreter error recovered ***
root [0]

I would like to stress that root.exe is completely oparational and gives some 30-40% bust in performance according to benchmarks.C
But the problem with root and rootn.exe bothers me.


It looks like you have a problem with your environment.
Check your LD_LIBRARY_PATH. Make sure the compilation
did succeeed.


it seems that the configuration is OK:

  1. LD_LIBARARY_PATH contains /usr/local/intel/8.0/lib
  2. /etc/ also contains this directory
  3. Compilation of root finished succesfully

Also, what is strange, root.exe works perfectly as well as cint,
while root and rootn.exe give immidiate seg fault.


Check that $ROOTSYS is set properly (and match the LD_LIBRARY_PATH).
root use $ROOTSYS to find the library while root.exe uses $LD_LIBRARY_PATH to find the library.
